Queens Blade: Listy
Game rating
Comments (554)
Nice game , but way too short and simple.
Listy is the quintessential big tit anime girl and finds herself in a situation that is par for the course…being captured and held by a group of unknown men with all too known intentions. And it`s your job to click to strip then click her sexy, well drawn tits, ass, cunt or various other body areas in order to incite her lust and proceed with the rape of her.
Perfect recipe for a hentai based action game, eh? Yes. However, this one comes up short in a few areas as has been pointed out. It could definitely use a soundtrack and even a few vocals. It needs to be quite a bit longer in duration, perhaps some choices as to what order and which holes you attack and could definitely benefit from more of a show of the “Stockholm syndrome” that nearly all hentai babes experience during their capture.
It`s a great start Gamesofdesire and Sherbet, but it can be rebuilt and better, stronger, faster. Maybe not faster, but you get the idea.
cool game but really short
love the graphics and animation shame is so short tho
nice game. good graphics but a bit fast
to short and to cencerd for my likeing
the graphics not bad, story too short, there`s no music or sound at all..thats not good
game was too short and simple plus censored. not overly good
I`m really not fond of the rape games at all. Plus the genitals are censored. Didn`t really like that game.
This game was really cool the animations looked really good
so fucking hot i want to fuck this bicth and suck her vboobs and lick her vag
hot boobs and great body game
nice game. good graphics but a bit fast
funny game with nice graphics but guys don`t fuck her every where, it`s a mistake!!!
she so beautiful and so hot , damn this is too short and need dialog options, but good game .
Hm I have to say that I felt that this is a mediocre game. I didnt relaly like the animation the lack of sound and how small was the game.
game was ok but to short not alot to do
I give it a very low rating
hmm, too short for me. and not very interesting.
good game but needs sound
Good look and nice bitsch….but i miss the Sound ;((
i don`t like this game so bored
the girls not too hot, too big not real!?
It was interesting at first, but I think that it could`ve been a little longer in length. Still though, not bad!
nice game,,but to short and to easy …
Too easy and short game. The graphics are good.
i think you should be able to pick what to do
to easy to simple… graphics were nice
Graphics were okay…it was a bit repetitious. Not so interested in just the `clicking` for a reaction. Looking for something a little bit more rewarding and interactive.
great graphics easy needs sound.
very damn short and only requires left click
The game is really short, I would have liked more than just fast clicking repeatedly, and a bit more than 2 guys sucking boobies and cumming in her pussy. I know they kidnapped her but maybe have a bit more pleasing her to get her ready for them so she is more receptive.
pretty simple game, but I love anything with Queensblade
Funny, but not the best game I`ve played on here.
not your best pfo, i must say but the graphics are good a always here.I cant go further than the two guys sucking her breasts?,a bit boooring
This game is too short and the graphics are not very good.
Let`s see – rape, shitty English localization, and random button mashing without instructions. All in all, pretty sucktastic.
this game was a bit weird for me
It`s a good game but too short
One of my favorite busty anime characters of all time.
always love listy this was a good game
omg this busty slut was awesome
Considering I`ve noticed two spelling mistakes (possibly three if I were dedicated) that wasn`t okay with me as well as the constant clicking of the mouse for the same action – bad form
it was a good anime and a good game
it was really short but other than that it was good
I think this was a fairly decent game. It`s short though. but fun
It`s a bit short but it`s a nice game
The graphics are nice, but too short of a game.
decent game good graphics
all i got was a white screen, i wonder what is wrong with the game?