amazing game ,great graphics and multiple ends make it great game ..
good graphics and the multiple endings make this an excellent game.
that was a good game i liked it
very nice coud be longer though
I was able to get all 7 endings, with some trial and error. They do all work. It was actually pretty fun trying to figure out what worked to get them. Let me know if any of you needs help with a certain ending. They are numbered near the top of the page.
brilliant game, loved the dark side to it
more content would have nice
theme was boring graphics were good
love the game i got ending 5
perfect body on her, now i want to fuck a vampire
this one was very interesting but short liked it to
Good game but it is a litle complicated. I iike 2 different endings.
love this game. dark and exciting
cool graphics this one and a slightly different approach but a bit short though…
not bad, audio quality is very bad but graphics is great 2.5/5
Ok game, easy gameplay, cute girl! All in all a good game for it`s age. Try it !!!
tooo short but my kind of game
i Like these games specially this one, might be easy but a nice story , concernig the controls the´re ok if you get aquainted with, the achievments could pointed out better anyway overall is worth playing
apologize for my poor english is not my native languge
I did like the love or be eaten situation
nice game,good graphics not the last time i have played it
A great and entertaining game with a hot chick in a scary place.
it good game but it is a litle complicated
good game if only there was more actual sex
Oh god this made me so f*cking hard!!
really good story, waiting for a sequel
great game, nice graphics……love it. i cant wait to see if they come out with another one
Darker change from usual games….good story line
solid game. Graphics were good just wish it was a bit longer
entertaining vampire twist. Enjoyed the bloodlust level
Nice spin off. Could have better graphics & animations though. Not very engaging nor erotic.
great games love the graphic
awesome! almost makes you wish it was real
Could use a little more action.
really gd game gd graphics overall really gd
Nice game.. i liked it… even wanted to replay and see what other endings there are
not bad game but i played better
ood game, got 2 different endings, one of being bitten and one with finishing in mansion
This is great game and i like it…
wow what a game! very exciting
hots girls makes this game superb
awesome! almost makes you wish it was real
NIce story line, maybe with better graphics it would make a great game. Still enjoy it…
not bad game but i played better
This is one of the best ones I`ve played
Unique but hot graphics, and playable. Must try to find more endings
Interesting storyline but terrible grammar. Is spell-check THAT hard to use???
Really good game. I like that now when my girlfriend want to watch twilight or something i can just think back to this amassing game
Hot sexy vampires!?!? Hell yeah! !
Oh-oh, just my kind of game! The title was very deceiving (because Twilight has nothing to do vampires. No. It doesn`t.), but this turned out to be a very simple and fun game. Great ending, great sex scene, and the girl is just amazing. Definitely one of my favs.
The only downside is that the game is really short.
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Comments (236)
I`m going to have to give this one a “Meh”
amazing game ,great graphics and multiple ends make it great game ..
good graphics and the multiple endings make this an excellent game.
that was a good game i liked it
very nice coud be longer though
I was able to get all 7 endings, with some trial and error. They do all work. It was actually pretty fun trying to figure out what worked to get them. Let me know if any of you needs help with a certain ending. They are numbered near the top of the page.
brilliant game, loved the dark side to it
more content would have nice
theme was boring graphics were good
love the game i got ending 5
perfect body on her, now i want to fuck a vampire
this one was very interesting but short liked it to
Good game but it is a litle complicated. I iike 2 different endings.
love this game. dark and exciting
cool graphics this one and a slightly different approach but a bit short though…
not bad, audio quality is very bad but graphics is great 2.5/5
Ok game, easy gameplay, cute girl! All in all a good game for it`s age. Try it !!!
tooo short but my kind of game
i Like these games specially this one, might be easy but a nice story , concernig the controls the´re ok if you get aquainted with, the achievments could pointed out better anyway overall is worth playing
apologize for my poor english is not my native languge
I did like the love or be eaten situation
nice game,good graphics not the last time i have played it
A great and entertaining game with a hot chick in a scary place.
it good game but it is a litle complicated
good game if only there was more actual sex
Oh god this made me so f*cking hard!!
really good story, waiting for a sequel
great game, nice graphics……love it. i cant wait to see if they come out with another one
Darker change from usual games….good story line
solid game. Graphics were good just wish it was a bit longer
entertaining vampire twist. Enjoyed the bloodlust level
Nice spin off. Could have better graphics & animations though. Not very engaging nor erotic.
great games love the graphic
awesome! almost makes you wish it was real
Could use a little more action.
really gd game gd graphics overall really gd
Nice game.. i liked it… even wanted to replay and see what other endings there are
not bad game but i played better
ood game, got 2 different endings, one of being bitten and one with finishing in mansion
This is great game and i like it…
wow what a game! very exciting
hots girls makes this game superb
awesome! almost makes you wish it was real
NIce story line, maybe with better graphics it would make a great game. Still enjoy it…
not bad game but i played better
This is one of the best ones I`ve played
Unique but hot graphics, and playable. Must try to find more endings
Interesting storyline but terrible grammar. Is spell-check THAT hard to use???
Really good game. I like that now when my girlfriend want to watch twilight or something i can just think back to this amassing game
Hot sexy vampires!?!? Hell yeah! !
Oh-oh, just my kind of game! The title was very deceiving (because Twilight has nothing to do vampires. No. It doesn`t.), but this turned out to be a very simple and fun game. Great ending, great sex scene, and the girl is just amazing. Definitely one of my favs.
The only downside is that the game is really short.