Pumpkin Kickup
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Comments (1413)
Another great game. Nice girl
this was a prettiy difficult game but the witch is hot !!
This game was hard but I liked it.
its a bit tedious to play. could be easier
Good graphics but tough game too much………….
It`s kinda a hard game. Can I ples get some help? Like controls? Can i change them?
This game is hard when you use a track ball, try just a regular mouse with the ball or lazer.
it is very difficult. i just hit 17
fun but aggraviting at the same time.
all you have to do is click on the pumpkin and the witch at some points will get naked. (Also great graphics)
nice games but i can only hit 20 points max
Yikes. Hard on most laptops I imagine. best to play this with a mouse.
Only problem is you can`t see all scenes if you are good at clicking because you cant go back 🙁
fun game enjoy the different levels of achievements
The animation is great. Good works!
fun but difficult game little hard to click the pumpkin
i didnt like this game as much it was too basic
Nice quirky game of bouncy ballwish it was eaiser to click on the pumpkin.
It`s a good game, but quite difficult. I was so close to getting the best streak.Great game despite being simple. Definitely like the streak rewards the best!
The witch is sexy as hell! I just wish I could get her naked. I got to 18 point streak with a total of 602 points when I stopped. I got her half-naked, and that was hot. But the game is too difficult. It needs to be changed to be easier, then it can go onto my favorites. Take into account possible lag; not everyone plays this game on a supercomputer!
Good Game , it takes a lot of practice , Think of it like a Soccer Pumpkin , However you will need a very good mouse for this game , and a lot of practice and timing is the key , you must time exactly where the pumpkin is gonna drop and make sure you don`t kick it too hard.
Hot Witch. Hot Snake. Way too long. The image updates solely based on longest streak, in intervals of 5. I got up to 55 before getting frustrated and stopping.
The witch is incredibly hot, but the game is a bit tough
Hot Chick,very difficult game
Really good game but quite difficult
never was able to get over 18 points 🙁
I dint get what does game was ?
The base story was good but the game on the whole is not great.
Good game like tetris but easily
WOW I Like this game a loot halloween a good time
great game i must admit
this game had a good challenge to it
An interesting diversion for a few minutes. I can`t e bothered going for the higher totals.
my gourd is sore from being popped so many times
This episode was really great.
This games is hard but fun at first but is boring over time.
It`s a good game, but quite difficult. I was so close to getting the best streak.
gave up. i dont have the attention span for this game. i wanted to see more of her pumpkins lol
that game is boring, just clicking on these pumpkin. it takes hour doing the same action…
A lot of mouse clicking fore the reward you get.
Not nice, but more busy and difficult to keep clicking,gets boring after a while
Nice game and funny ! good job
kindda anoying u deppend on luck for the bounces but a good game non the less
AWESOME, a new LOP game has released. Love the Halloween theme.
Well girl is beautiful but game is tu hard and pumpkin is not responding every time. I wish to see all pictures :(((((
Hard game. Really hard to get combo. I didnt even finish the game…..
A game with a good graphic cool….
make it more interesting takes too long to finish game
not very good, that or I just suck at it
This one is kind of challenging but overall quite fun
funny game, but it tooks to much time..
it was very hard to play the game with out looking at the girl but good game play maybe tweak it so its easier to get streaks , very good animation , and graphics were good.