Private Detective
Game rating
Comments (193)
L like the game, funny and sexy.
Very good game. Great graphics
i like n love this games so nice
Pretty cool game, could last longer
Not a bad game to play. Pity it`s over so soon.
Fairly basic, game but enjoyable.
Fun and easy game, thanks
nice game, but the animations could be better
this one has been a go to games for a long time for me
Cool.Awesome graphics and lots of fun.I`ll have to play this one again.
nice role playing game.
weird at the end when it ask if i liked the game it wouldn`t let me click yes so i had to click no
simple games, with decent girls unless the secretary, having hard time realizing what to do to get evidence but overall, it`s good
Excellent game! nice flow of storyline!
Simple game with good graphics. Plenty of girls, all fucked. Unlike cleverer games can talk dirty without losing. Some girls like it.
a fun game but the moves are repetitive for each girl
This game is has fucking great graphics.
Every thing is good about this game.
Now that was fun to play quality was good though the sex scenes could be better
fun game and nice gameplay
decent graphics and good interaction in this game
i loved this game nice graphics!
But there are better ones!
Good game , nice graphic.
A quick game with nice sex scenes and graphics.
Very nice game! Graphics are good and very nice to play..
the animations are weird could be better
I really enjoyed it, but the animations could be better
great game good graphics good all round
Graphics were great got stuck about half way through
Great game, nice graphics
The gameplay was so basic that a 3 year old could finish it !!!
No challenge whatsoever !!
The Graphics were very poor and the sex scenes were badly drawn !!!
Basically it was a sub-standard (Piss poor) copy of meet and fuck detective !!!
I could have done better with a set of coloured crayons !!!!
I was being generous by giving it a score of 50%
Good game that all if little long story
great game. no doubt it. i loved this game.
liked the game,it need some ass slapping noise on hard.
nice game,however the start time at the gym is 1700.
This is a great game. It is a bit short.
This ones ok one thing would have been nice since you can beat it in 3 days And you have a month being able to go back and do them again would have been nice. And maybe have more control of the scene. I really don`t like blackmailing a woman for sex its not as bad as rape. Also though call me crazy but I don`t really like the whole woman or man cheating on their partner. I know its odd but to me its one thing sleeping around but after marrying someone I don`t get into either running around or the sharing with another man either at the same time or not knowing. But in this game the order of who you do first matters secretary then receptionist then hotel receptionist right after getting through with her click her right away to get your room key.
good game, good graphics and a good story if a little short but I liked