Poker with Nicole and Tracy
Game rating
Comments (198)
nice game with nice girls
Soooo hotttttt sexyyyyyy cuminggg
hard to understand goals aren`t clear
sorta boring and the image quality is really bad
Is it possible to get higher quality videos?
Not to much interesting on this kind of games but anyway it`s fair good espesialy with thw poker explanation
Great poker game with hot girl
YES: relevant comments concerning gameplay, graphic, animation
YES: i`m stuck in this game (describe where), please help me
The graphics could be clearer, poker is always fun but gets boring after a little while.
I have never liked games that hinge too much on chance and this is no different.. Also, the pay off is not nearly enough for the frustration so.. meh..
its a lil more complicated than the usual poker strip games. but still fun
is honestky to long of a game
game game but need to be more creative in backgrounds
This must be one of their first games on here because the graphic quality is just really low. Otherwise, nothing bad here.
Short, easy to play, but the payoff isn`t really worth the investment. Not a fan of the girls in this one.
Maybe not the technically most advanced game out there, but I love black jack and busty girls, so I enjoyed myself.
Hot as hell. Always love me that lesbian stuff.
Very good game, hot girls
Gameplay gets a bit repetitive but the reward animations are rendered nicely and provide good incentive to keep on playing.
Nice game, but gets boring a little quickly
amazing videos, horny girls!
eh, the poker gets boring rather fast in this
ok game, gets kind of boring
the suite are better than the frist
Girls too exaggerated but good nonetheless. `Play Video` button failed to operate at the end, though…
I like the video graphics but wish the game went a little bit farther or had better audio
Think it might have been a little nicer if the girls hadn`t been so exaggerated, or if the video had been larger
Ridiculous airship boobs in first video. No interest in playing on
The key is to correctly guess red or black at the end of each hand.
There could have been better video rewards.
not bad game, videos are good but dissapointingly low res
man so hard to win but worth it
Gurls Pleased Me…!!!…Wow
awsome!!! boobs amzing game
It`s a passable poker game, but rather dull, because you`re not even playing against the computer. And the movies aren`t very spectacular.
I like poker and this is fun
good game graphics are hot
takes a long time to get cash but it was pretty good.
to much card play for to little reward
very addictive, worth the waiting
almost every time guess the right card colour
Interestingly done, but the boobs are way too huge and the lines in the video along with the small size is annoying, and the game just isn`t that fun.
like the game, wish there was more video tho
I like the girls and the animation.
Good poker.
I don`t know what I`m missing. The game is just so-so and gets boring rather quickly.
Awesome game and hot girls.
Tried to understand the way this strip poker is played. Though, after seeing the first clip I am a bit turned off by the poor graphics and the ungodly huge knockers.
graphic is not so good and game is little boring
poker is one of my favorite games. and this makes it even better.
very cute girls but the game play is a bit boring
Amazing game, love the plot and such