PM: Teacher`s pet
Game rating
Comments (461)
very hot game, but i dont think that there is enough on of what could happen. Ive played this manyariativ tiems. Still fun
Good game, not the most challenging games, but I liked that it has eight endings.
i love this game
the teacher is a little scary but so sexy
it was just starting to be nice, “change position” restarts you to the begining? what position is that?
well hot dam Mrs. Canis is super HOT I wish any of the women I knew looked half this good
good graphs, but it`s just a little bit slow to play
It`s quite good even though this one is no Bitcher. Kinda makes me wonder on whether did I go to the wrong school coz I can`t remember having any teacher this hawt.
Good game, nice 3d graphics and who doesn`t fantazie over their techer at some point.
once again another amazing game.i like the story of it because everyone has had that school teacher fantasy. 😉
great game but it can be bettter than this its under my expectations
Great graphics. Can`t beat the part with cunis and robert`s exciment though.
it was just starting to be nice, “change position” restarts you to the begining? what position is that?
well hot dam Mrs. Canis is super HOT I wish any of the women I knew looked half this good
The animation looked real to me.
nice game like to be the pet
awesome game, it was a nice game
awesome gameplay and graphics.
its realy a nice game,,,,,,i got 8 on 8…on its ending n we wil b waitin 4 its 2nd part…
This game had really nice graphics
Its hard to get the good ending.
I only get the bad ending -,-
This doesn`t seem to go anywhere. I want my money back! Wait…it was free lol
shit that was a good sex games
its a great game with nice graphics. the loads are a gread idea
wish i had teacher like this
Nice school. I don`t had teachers like this. 😉
awesome game. would love to have seen the teachers hair come down but i like that the student doesn`t look in his 50s. hehe
Great graphics and sex scenes, it couldve been longer though
It froze for me after playing with her tits while she was on the desk, the other playthroughs were fun though
great game great graphic, and 8 different endings, play force one is a WONDERFUL site
good grafics but a bit boring 🙁
it was kind of boring to me like wtf get some real action here duh!
Not like my school days though, probably for the best
i liked it graphics could be better and kind hard but all in all a nice game
great grahpics , fun game well worth repeating
that was awesome i love that women but the guy could have been better
God game 😀 But the student doesnt look like bad boy 😀
this game was so nice and the graphics to
this game isawesome graphics are good
Pretty good game, but was hoping for a bit more gameplay
great game, hot girl, but it needs more endgings
amazing graphics, the teacher is really hot, took me awhile to get anything going though. are there any walkthroughs out there?
all i can seem to get is ending 1 0f 8
would some one please post a walk through
this game has a realy good gameplay and graphics story was good too keep up the good work
I love this game,graphic is avesome
Great graphics, with a sexy girl but a bit too short
Great quality and fast. Really hot teacher!
its stops loading at 17% i was hoping to abelto play this game
Loved the Game fulfilled one of my scoolboy fantasies. Best punishment ever
Pretty good game, but was hoping for more choices
the game was oretty good overall.
Interesting game. Easy to play, not very difficult. Would be better with more dialogue choices.