PM: Business trip
Game rating
Comments (1234)
I can`t get past the part after you take off her panties. Plus the game it`s not the better of LOP
game scenario was incredibly good but controls were really hard. I still couldn`t manage to see all ends.
nice game but too short…graphics good as always
Game is not up to standard that the LoP games have set. But was still fun to play even though it lacks quality
compared to some other games this one is kinda weak and lame… sorry but I still love the site..
Very poor game. Hard game and the storyline lacks some quality
there are 7 bonus pics. i thought there were only six. it takes a long time to find all seven.
Graphics were pretty good
Ä° like this game 😉 cool. Nice graphics as usual. Thanx pfo…
This is a great one. best so far
Quite fun, not too hard.
i cant get past the part after you take off her panties,what dod have to do?
The game could have been longer, but over all it wasn`t to bad.
I`m stuck at the end part… I just can`t get the pleasure circle to fill up 🙁 Any tips?
this game is so hot, i really enjoyed it
Story was not very good. Too cliche. The scenes were pretty nice though. I give this game a 4/10 personally.
Good sex scenes & interactions. A bit short though.
realy excellent, could have been longer but the story was great and so were the animations
Great game and graphics. The sex scenes are quite well-done!
Graphics are very good overall the game could be a bit longer,but thanks guys and keep up the good work.
Good game. Nice graphics and story
yesssss i finally did it and yes you have to made it that reach the pleasure meter at the same time then ask for anal sex and you can pick up the dildo and then fuck her in the ass enjoy guys
it is good game but little bit short, especillay if we think about LOP games it could be better. i really like LOP games, this one is again so nice graphics but the story is weak as standarts of LOP.
The game is preety good I suppose.
i still say the controls need work just a bit to hard to get meters off 0 when having sex whit her
nice, just 1 thing : don`t use the dildo …
Overall the premis of the game is ok, the subtitles need work but you get the jest of it while playing
overall is a good game,but some part can`t control well.
First thing I noticed right off the bat, BAD ENGLISH! Who types these? Some third grader from Japan?
yea like allmost everubody here i agreed the game is really good as usual specially with the sound, but would have been better if the anal scene would have work better i still trying to get the two to reach at the same time the pleasure meter to see wath happen also at the end the girl says next week is that a hint that you guys going to fix it or wat?
Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad Very bad
lop game is always good game but this one is very bad disappointed with story and the end their should be twist or more character and also their would more story but in this their is only 2 character very disappointed
But this time missing story and some ideas.the game was bad to play the worst game of lop.
well made – as usual. But this time missing story and some ideas. On the other side, compared some previous, the voice and picture are synchronized and also scenes not stucked. It works well 🙂
bad game with no story just boss and secretary having fun no twist in the story
That was great game.Graphic is exelent.
I` can`t wait for some more…
Overall the game is fine. But maybe kinda tough to play.
The game is preety good I suppose.
Great game but sadly the anal ending is corrupted.
You cann`t take the dildo and only get the bad ending.
Can someone tell me how to get the anal ending but where she enjoys it?
The game could have been longer, but over all it wasn`t to bad.
Nice graphics, but way too short
great game as always; but i`m “stuck”:
during the sex scene you can ask for anal;
on the next screne you can pick up the dildo – but nothing happens!
only possibility to go further is to click on sentence –
have i missed anything before?
i still say it is a bit to hard to keep mouse on the arrow to get the meters off 0 while having sex with her other then that graphics and animations are great
not a bad game , lacking a bit of action
How do you get jack to give anal?
not bad, but it needs a story. if it had a “true story” it could be pretty good.
good game. really enjoyed
Got her naked and game froze up…sigh
I`m pretty sure I got all of the endings. It`s a shame that the anal ending is so negative, since it was so hot. Not bad, the format is different but the gameplay is too short. If the game play is short, then the sex scenes should be hotter. Girl was cute, I think her tits were too big for her body but thats just my thoughts.