Orgasm Girl 2
Game rating
Comments (776)
Good fun requires to much accuracy
The girls are pretty nice and the orgasm girl herself is hot as hell. The game was not so entertaining though.. ^^
great game.
difficulty is a bit lower than on the orgasm girl 1 but still challanging especially for those who played the click through “games” till now.
more games like this are highly appreciated
@sigurdnorbert: on the official page you`ll find more info`s
good but not enouhg info .
cartoonish… too hard to play…. needs better instructions.
I agree with most of the comments: this is a pleasant enough game with easy playability. Would have liked to replay the girls without having to restart so that I could try different ways of bringing her to orgasm. Also, instead of just the sound of her orgasm, would have liked some video to go with that.
i think it should be longer with more animation!!! the sound was good though
she looks like a girl from next doorr….
i really like this game . it is a great sequel with a much better gameplay
Not a game I am particularly good at, but with some assistance from another site I beat it.
the game is a little difficult ;/ and i dont licke this game
good game thought it was a little difficult but def. better then the first one
too easy i was bored no challenge
good fun but game is difficult to follow.
Good game. Better that the first one.
good game but a lil short and it realy needs a restart or replay
Nice game, good graphics, far easier than the first one.
This game is to short and easy.
this game is hard. i failed each one and i dont even know why.
i suck at this game cant get the girles to get an orgasm before they wake up, please help me
i like to play games like this, great graphics
grreat gme loved it everyone loves it 100/1000
short game and to easy great music
i liked the first one better
AWSOME!! Great game, sound was great. Could use some animation though.
The 3-D “cover girl” is kind of misleading. Also, animate the girl`s orgasms, since that`s the point of this game! Those issues made this game only okay.
nice game but i love it =D
Awsome ! I really enjoyed it alot 🙂
it was a good game with some good girls
game was easier then first but good game grafics could use little work.
Overall graphics were cartoonic but good, game play was fun , a little easier then the first one and the sounds were very convincing giving it a 7 out of 10…..nice game for as short as it was.
very good game, graphics could be better, sounds could last longer, could add more girls, but much better than the older one.
Graphic`s were a little iffy but doable but overall good game, not to hard but not to easy.
pretty short game. Ok but super easy
It would be a little better if it was harder because i found it a little to easy, it was a good game though
Great game but too simple
beautiful graphic….
the plot can be understanding….
good but easier than original
@cheese101: Agree! Very sad that you can`t repeat single episodes.
Cool sequel of the first game, which was VERY hard.
great game a bit on the easy side but enjoyed playing
nice game but its to easy
i dont like how you have to restart if you want to try a girl agin
Great game. I love the graphics and the orgasm sound effects. Cool!
Could be more action but a nice game.
Easier than teh first one, liked it, more girls and fun
nice one. a bit dificult, but ok.
I foud this game to be a lot easier than the first one.
Excellent! An improvement on the first – reasonably difficult, but not too bad.
nice idea, could do with a sequel, more video scenes and less fade out on parts
Much better than the first one.