Olympic Adventures
Game rating
Comments (226)
Nice game, good quality on the graphics too.
nice girls but the scenes to short
Nice girls, but the sex scenes should be a little bit longer!!!
haha i failed every single one i have gone out of business 🙂
nice geme, but not my favorite
not a bad game i failed the first time but i like those types of games
good gamplay, niche grapic, great game
its a good game nice graphics
nice little game, could have more puzzles though. good animation.
good game needs more women
its a very enjoyable game some replayability if you would like to get everything 100% so all in all another good game
very short, but still perfect and cool…..
THis game was fun and I got 100%
Great graphics a lot of fun to play
good game wish there was more like this.
This is just too good 🙂
This is a game i have come to expect from the makers of MnF. Good story
Good game with excellent scenes. I liked it a lot.
Not a bad game, but is too short.
relatively short but nicely challenging. girls are very sexy
Quite easy and quite short game. The graphics are ok.
this is not an interesting game at all
It was a fun game but it was short
its a liitle short but a hot one nonetheless……
nice story line. way too short tho.
nice girls, nice animation but very short…
Sexy girls, especially the first! Wonder, from where the graphics come from originally?
I loved this one cause you got to make this girl feel like shit
nice games and nice to play..!!!good!!!
very curfuse game but very nice
annoying when you get a question wrong
good game, fun to play, good graphics too.
Easy, and straightforward, if you read the information provided at the start then everything should be easy.
Great graphics a lot of fun to play
I have not been able to win just yet, got most of it though.
can any one post a walk thourghj plz
Graphics ok storyline ok but sorta boring
the grafic is very good….
great game great graphics
Good Graphics and and sweet and sexy
the game is very good and the graphics are nice too
very nice game but hard at points
this game is very hard but the pictures are verrry nice
nice a little much with the details but still nice
great game really enjoyed playing it
what a nice one..
very cleaver and original game
Original idea!! I thought it was a good game
game is very well rounded
short yes, but a good game. Seems to me that a little more thought went into this one than some of the others here.