Olga: 20 dollars girl

Game rating 82.90%
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Comments 824

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Comments (824)

  • avatar

    Good game but a little short

  • avatar

    the game is too short, nice graphics, maybe needs more of a storyline to make it more personal.

  • avatar

    good game mechanics but very short and not so many options

  • avatar

    To short is my opinion, Great Graphics as with all Passions games! ++

  • avatar

    It`s a very shot games without many options. Despite it, it has good graphics.

  • avatar

    best erotic game i played………..but short

  • avatar

    Like this short game and most notably the girl.

  • avatar

    Good graphics, easy controls. Story OK.

  • avatar

    Nice game, but would like to see something longer and perhaps with multiple endings.

  • avatar

    wow the ending was great never seen that coming

  • avatar

    its a short and sweet game. I love playing it

  • avatar

    this game is really really short, its ok but no where near the best

  • avatar

    I liked this game very short thought but still a good game.

  • avatar

    This game was shocking we didnt have to do much to reach sex sences 3/10 to short

  • avatar

    Nice graphics, alright story, bit short, but all in all not bad.

  • avatar

    Great game, good in dept, and very playable!

  • avatar

    Interesting for a short game. Quality makes up for quantity of gameplay. Alright overall.

  • avatar

    Game was very short with few choices. Dialog choices before the elevator seemed to have no effect at all sex scene still ended with a blow job, I like LOP`s games, but this one seems to have been thrown together very quickly, excellent artwork, and hot girl.

  • avatar

    it is too short, nevertheless, the graphics were great, game was well done.

  • avatar

    Olga is fabulously sexy and wonderfully drawn, but I wish that the game could have been lengthened so that she would have been shown in many more really arousing scenarios. Although the commentary was rather well written, the dialogue was so incredibly poor that it reduces my pleasure in playing the game. Can`t the developers of this game grasp that a person with very sophisticated English language skills also plays this game and other adult games? The mismatch between the improving quality of the art and the declining quality of the dialogue is very discouraging to me.

  • avatar

    too easy no challenge would like game to be longer

  • avatar

    More n more please … the movement is much natural … Love it !?

  • avatar

    I cant play this game . My game stopped in front of elevator

  • avatar

    Arrghhhh!!! Too Short….
    The Graphics Good… The Animation.. okay…
    But Then Again… Toooo Shooortttt 🙁

  • avatar

    its kinda short but good story good graphics.

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