Office Pranks
Game rating
Comments (425)
great game but could have been longer
It`s bad is soo short this game…..
waaaaaaaaaaay too short just one girl 🙁
the gameplay is trivial and this makes it boring.
Sexy game with very good graphics
will make people very horny
Nice looking girls, but the game is far to shor
the game was too short, and it is not that challenging..
a little bit simple to play, so for that it is 2 short
It`s too easy! A bit boring!
Too easy and too short…, I hope it`s better
I liked this game but it was super short!
very short, but the girl was cute. hoped to play with the receptionist too.
hots girls makes this game superb
the game is too short!needs more girls 😛
the game is to short and is to easy to play
um, where were the pranks advertised in the title? (I really didn`t see any; did anyone else?)
Have to agree with others. too short and not variation
too short i think..need more story
Too short, could have made it better
graphics are shit hpt but its way too short
this is a short game but good graphics and animation
Nice women but not much game here.
Nice looking girls, but the game is far to short.
Here is a not interresting game.
No interaction, only one girl…
that game is definitely to short
way to short could have been a great game
A little too short of a game.
not that good, too short and not very exciting
I havnt been able to get passed tit wank scene, is that it finished?
Either this game is really short or I`m doing something wrong??
A little too short of a game.
its an alright game not much to do
I am not sure this is actually a game, would be worth to show it as a preview.
Just one girl and the shortest scene I have played, one click and done.
You can`t be fired answering wrong either….
Less than average.
not nice at all brought down my mood
this game just like an advertisment
Not good. Very shorty and easy.
too short. want more action
sexy game, great graphics… just great.
A good voice would enhance, pretty good otherwise
Fun game. Would be better if it were longer
needs more action and girls
Kind of an anticlimatic ending
It is a nice and good game.
really good nice sex scenes
wow that was way too short
Fun game. Would be better if it were longer
it is good but way too short
pretty good game.needs better grapics and needs to last longer
short, stupid, not well translated and no pranks the title was pointless.