Nicole meets Roxy
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Comments (671)
one of the best games so far, but nicole and roxy should wear heels during the fuck session
fucking awesome loved the game
yip tip hooray another awesome game
Nice looling new game. liked it.
fun game , had al lot of fun playing it
really good game this is!
the animation in this is really realistic
Im stuck in the liquor store. Can somebody help me?
This game was amazing, I love the endings
wow i love this game… nice endings..
This one was pretty hot. Interesting to play as a woman being tempted by another woman, one who`s commanding style really turns her on.
Great game. I wish there was more endings though.
good game, saddly a little short and easy to achieve max points
From my game play some of the endings seem to key off of final passion score
a passion score of >50 [maybe 49] get you ending 3
ending 4 for a range of ~20+ to ~48
not clear yet if ending 1 vr ending #2 is passion score related or how one fail out of the higher scoring path.
may go on to checking these out less entertaining play option latter
it is possible to be overly aroused at the 1st meeting and thus to fail out.
there is a branching in play if Nicole dominates after refusing to be tied up
this has no apparent effect on the ending earned as have gotten #3 and # 4 after
in the make out session on the bed have gotten a maximum of 4 actions
three seem to allow a next action all the rest, so far lead to exiting making out on the bed.
have not done all the sequences and explored all the combinations with earlier chooses
suspect but have not shown that there is no additional play to discover
still the number of plausible paths to additional game play is intriguing.
say the right per-meeting options then selecting the appropriate exit from making out.
sexy and the hottest game i have played to date
awesome game great girls loved story
great graphic and hot history
game was a bit short, but thanks to those who posted a walkthrough
I thought this game was just hot and sexy
nice game with cool graphics… is there threesome?
This was a good one. i wish there were a little bit more, but the options you get are a lot of fun.
I this game was pretty hot, and the graphics actually were better than most of the games on her. You could actually see the curves of their skin, they looked almost real.
I love this game !
I play it all most everytime I come on there!
Very excellent game I love the idea of her wanting to experience the touch of another woman.
i love the story ,, it`s very hot ,, but it`s a little short
Pretty good game, just wish it was longer.
I am new to Playforceone and the first game I have played since my starting of this account is Nicole meets Roxy. I enjoy this game very much, very sexy indeed. Though, the loading time to start this game is troublesome at times overall I like the ending where Nicole ends up with Roxy at the end.
Very fun and sexy game. Loved it. Very easy to mess up tho.
pretty fun easy to screw up though
Loving the gameplay, but the animation isnt as real as Lake party or I love Laura.
I love the graphic of this fun game
I enjoyed this game very much is very great game
Great game but a bit two short needs some more length to it
i`m stuck in the game with hot please help me
Good game with good graphic
I like the concept behind the game, awesome choices and design
The game was a little short but the graphics and plot more than make up for that. Great game!
Awsome concept to fulfill desires
this is a great game love it
good game, great game play
First game I played. Good actions with nice images
I enjoyed this game very much.
super sexy and satisfying game
I just loved that two horny lesbian girls …..
Nice game, about formulatic, would have been nice to have a little more character interaction.
the gameplay was good but a bit short and i recommend it
that game is awasome. u have to add some sexy sounds of moan in that game
A good game with some nice variations in the game play. Good endings as wee
Awesome graphics, nice job!
Good game with good graphics. The game is a bit short though.