Nicole meets Roxy
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Comments (671)
wasn`t too bad, a little boring though
a nice game, i enjoy it, waiting new games like this one
Oh YEAH, Got to run this one a few times and see the other endings 🙂
Nice game,great girls but a bit easy solutions
great and sexy game with fantastic graphics
Very hot and the correct choices are obvious. I like that
I personally love many games on this website. But this one is amazing
That was fucking awesome, i liked it
liked the way she almost cummed through most of the story. the anticipation was incredible
nice graphics, very good story line, overall good game
Really great graphics. Two really hot ladies. I agree there needs to be more choices. A threesome would have been the greatest.
this the best game ever
Love the choices and scenes, hot stuff.
i just love lesbian games it turns me on good graphics
really good game sexy & wet pussy
Very hot and the correct choices are obvious. I like that
This was a good one. I wish there had been more choices to make, though.
Great graphics, intriguing story, liked the different endings.
I always liked games involving lesbian and I love to see one in which the protagonist breaks up with her â??â??boyfriend and fall in love with another girl.
Excellent game!
awesome game. very sexy and simple controle
Pretty good game. The story was hot and the grafics are good.
a game with good story + graphics
1. Touch face (doesn`t affect meter): +0
Play with self, action sequence: +2
Put wet finger into Justin`s mouth: +1
2. a) Allow Justin first use of the restroom –
i. Use the dildo to sate yourself: +5
ii. Try to use self-control: +0
b) Continue playing with him – +1
i. Take his cock inside your mouth: +2
ii. Stop teasing him: +0
3. a) Refuse, there`s no time: +0
b) Kiss Justin: +1
You forgot ==> Check the fridge`s temperature
4. a) Thoughts are about Justin: +0
b) Thoughts are about Roxy: +1
5. a) Promise that it`s worth the price: +1
b) Make sure she`s worth the cost: -8
6. a) Answer the phone: +2
b) Ignore: +0
7. a) Keep fantasizing: +5
b) Concentrate on another topic: +0
8. a) Widen your legs: +0
b) Do nothing: +3
i. Widen your legs: +0 ==> Continue story
ii. Do nothing: +0 ==> Ending #1 – Cum Stay With Us
9. a) Lie and say no: +0
b) Tell the truth: +2
10. a) Sit down: +0
b) Touch her: -5
11. a) Watch porn movie: +4
b) Investigate the room (Small key, TV cabinet, discover photos) : +1
12. a) Ask about porn movie: +2 (same outcome for both choices)
b) Ask about photos: +2
13. a) Invite her on bed:
i. Talk: +0, returns to list
ii. Kiss her: +1, returns to list
iii. Ask about tattoo: +0, returns to list
iv. Caress her body: +1, exits to bed
v. Play with her nipples: +1, exits to bed
vi. Lick her feet: +1, exits to bed
vii. Lick her pussy: +1, exits to bed
viii. Play with Roxy`s ass: +2
b) Ask her to use fingers: +3
14. a) Suck her cock: +3
b) Ask her again to remove it –
i. Leave her: -5
ii. Do whatever she says: +2
15. a) Agree: +1
b) Say no –
i. Win the struggle: +a lot ==> Ending #3: Giving In
ii. Lose the struggle: -10
1. Gently ask her to stop: -all ==> Ending #2: Another Time
2. Let her continue: +1ish
16. a) Agree: +1
b) Deny: +0
==> Ending sex sequence: +5
Ending #4: To Cum Or Not To Cum can be achieved by successfully completing the full night with Roxy, but by making choices that leave you with fewer than 50 Passion Meter points.
Help what is the key`s use?
Great game, with really good graphics and hot storyline
MMMM…Nice chicks.nice tits,and nice pussy
Love these games.Great Quality grafics.Fun to play and try to get all the endings!
awesome game. very sexy and simple controle
Nice game and greats artworks !
Just a question : what is the name of the movie you use ?
Nicole is hot. A threesome would be great. Not too bad though.
I liked this game very much indeed.
Very nice game with 2 hot women.
Very hot! The girl on girl action is amazing! Keep them coming.
Nice game and graphics, but poor interactivity.
Choices are very limited.
that was really a nice game
good game. i realy like the graphics. ifound all 4 endings preaty easy though… it co be a little more challenging.
great new game Great graphics…Great everything!
Interesting take a fun idea. Loved the game and all the endings
This was a good one. I wish there had been more choices to make, though.
and another great game
another great sexy game an top ladies agin
Nice looking new game, liked it.
From my game play some of the endings seem to key off of final passion score
a passion score of >50 [maybe 49] get you ending 3
ending 4 for a range of ~20+ to ~48
not clear yet if ending 1 vr ending #2 is passion score related or how one fail out of the higher scoring path.
may go on to checking these out less entertaining play option latter
it is possible to be overly aroused at the 1st meeting and thus to fail out.
there is a branching in play if Nicole dominates after refusing to be tied up
this has no apparent effect on the ending earned as have gotten #3 and # 4 after
in the make out session on the bed have gotten a maximum of 4 actions
three seem to allow a next action all the rest, so far lead to exiting making out on the bed.
have not done all the sequences and explored all the combinations with earlier chooses
suspect but have not shown that there is no additional play to discover
still the number of plausible paths to additional game play is intriguing.
say the right per-meeting options then selecting the appropriate exit from making out.
really good game need more best gameplay yet from lesson of passion
keep it up LOP Team
Ok game. could`ve been longer, with options to pursue the wine customer or the girl on the train.
Very hot! The girl on girl action is amazing! Keep them coming.
Good game with realistic variations that lead to 4 good endings
Such an erotic and sexy lesbian game they shud make films as good as this
Wonderful new game. Nobody does it like lessons of passion. Instant favorite.
Amazing game I` like it very much…