Naughty Dances
Game rating
Comments (107)
quite a good game, a difficult challenge
challenging game. take to long to see the results..
way too hard for a shit reward
alright game but kinda boring
difficalt game to master. but worth the challange.
Hahaha, made me laugh.. it`s rather funny game.. but it gets REALLY fast when you get to remothing the thong…
Would be really nice if it actually followed the rhythm, by the end its pretty difficult to just follow the arrows 🙁
great game somewhat difficult.
While simple, this was rather entertaining for a few minutes. Unfortunately, I got stuck around when her bra came off, so I spent a lot of time watching it appear and disappear. Clearly I need to hone my skills
Incredible game even if it was never finished.Being able to purse several different girls helps to provide a great deal of replay value. Not a big fan of the model part that was added and it seems to get away from the theme of the game. There was a demo of a fight portion the author was working on adding before I guess real life became too much to continue the game:-]
it is a good game but get super hard to the end for it starts going way to fast
This game was really stressy, I was never able to finishe her off.
hot and sexy game like it tooo much
fun game.. I like the rather unusual style. but then again, they seem to be getting more usual lately and that is awesome!
Hope there comes more!
its easy but doesent have a lot o things to see
a better ddr game.nice game.very challenging
Challenging, fun, addicting and the better version of ddr
fun, but the beat of the music doesn`t actually go with the game.
pretty challenging but not to hard for me
Ugh, this was a turn off. Too hard, same music and not enjoyable.
Challenging if you play one hand, the speed in the end is decent one she is really closed to be naked, just setup your keyboard to play both hands and I am pretty sure it will become way more easy than playing with the arrows.
Still a couple minutes training to hit 30 k over, the dance dance revolution type is always worth the fun.
Wow, that`s really challenging and fun. I`ll be back to get better at this one.
good game but too hard for me
difficalt game to master. but worth the challange.
Too small keyboard to play this… Fun though.
wow this game is hard for my fat fingers
Very faced paced, if there was a way to slow it down then WOW
its a nice game but ist too difficult for me 😀
Very difficult , but fine.
all you can see in this game is the arrows 😛
Too frustrating goes too fast when you want to take a peek to see where you are you lose your rythem then the closthes come back on.I could not ever get her bra off. 80( how sad.
its challenging near the end, but its bad since we cant even see the dance!
Reminds me of DDR except with the hands which is equally as fun!!!
The game is fun, but it seems a bit hard,not one you`ll play over and over.
This game had poor graphics! It moved so fast you really couldn`t watch the girl!
It could use some work, but overall it`s not too bad. The difficulty curve is excellent, and the game is at least entertaining, if short.
yes like it get stuck but ok should have a sports game similar
This game moves so fast you can`t even watch the girl. What is the point of that? Pretty weak reward when you actually beat it too.
Very difficult once it gets going – a bit to fast too
she is a fantastic dancer
one of the dumbest games ive ever played
Too difficult to be honest! Don`t really like it
quite difficult and hard to get used to! … 🙂
The game is fun, but it seems a bit hard.
LOL silly game and itsa bit hard too
Good concept but gets a bit fast. It gives no time to actually enjoy the artwork. Should do it with stages each time she strips
nice game but not easy to playit so fast
the last levels are quite tough
Kinda wish they would make a real ddr kinda like this
easy way =) too small game but pretty nice