My girls is a model
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Comments (800)
Nice graphics but the game appears broken. I had Alyssa`s mood almost to the top of the pointer and she still blew up giving me ending one. Apparently the meter doesn`t appear to matter in the ending.
I cant get any of the girls. What am I doing wrong
I enjoyed this game alot….. So will you . Great graphics & story
Alyssa was so sexy.. I enjoyed the game.. fucked both
great game with erotic sex. alyssa is really very sexy. little hard to start with but worth it
I saw a thread on this at sharks and came to check things and it seems people are
having problems so I`ll post what I did in order to get to the sex scenes. By the way
clockwise is positive. Note that there are some variations possible in getting to the
endings, and some randomness involved in mood increases. Alyssa and Maria`s moods
affect the results of the choices you make and have to be above/below a certain level
to attain the choices that you want. For instance Aly will cuss you out if you send her
a SMS when she`s pissed, but when she`s happy she will respond accordingly.
Three, such a magical
Would you care
How`s the salad?
Pass the salt
Talk with Aly
Today was your big
Wouldn`t dream
You look so pretty
A quickie?
I`d rather
Pull up x4
I must humbly
Red (I like this color but choose whatevers you want)
Yes I am
Then I won`t tell
You are right
Make a phone prank
Yes, I know
Talk with Maria
By the way
It`s nice to see
Fix the printer
Nothing major
Talk with Maria
Massage Maria`s Shoulders
Get back to work
Actually, Alyssa
Do you want me
Some days
Send spicy
She`ll be tough
Would you like to
Pick up Alyssa
… So, does
Sooo… hired
Well, I am
Only one thing to do
So, any
Would you care
Aly… What
I`ll be there
You are right
Something crazy
1. Boost Alyssa`s mood, first option I believe.
2. For the SMS or purse thing I just pick the SMS if it`s Alyssa I`m after, or the
purse if it`s Maria. It doesn`t seem to have any relevance. Though on my end could be
the fact that mood isn`t displaying properly.
3. Alyssa need`s to be picked up. Spoken to on all options to boost mood (though last
option doesn`t do anything). Then taken out to party.
To Fuck Alyssa who is a tricky bitch.
Get her mood as high as you can.
Take her out on a date after you pick her up.
“So any prospects” talk option boosts mood.
“Would you care for” talk option boosts mood.
Near max mood then ask her:
“Aly what happens”
“I`ll be there”
“You are right”
“Something crazy”
To Fuck Maria.
Get her mood as high as you can.
“You look” talk option boosts mood.
“Well tell me” -> “Marvel Jean Grey” talk option boosts mood.
Ice cream boosts mood.
Playing pool and talking about her panties boosts mood.
Offer drink boosts mood.
Offer drink a second time boosts mood. Don`t do a third.
Kiss hand boosts mood.
If you have max mood choose talk option “Let`s see how rusty” will eventually get you
in her bedroom.
General tips on pre-Date choices
Coffee share.
Salt with salad.
Want to fuck her.
Feel her up.
Be her suggar daddy.
Tell the truth.
Pull the cord.
Tell the truth.
Say will do a better prank.
Pull boss prank.
Ask her about why she`s there.
Tell her that its good have a new person.
Fix the printer and don`t have a typical IT response.
Massage her.
When Alyssa shows up your choice makes one girl`s mood go up and the other one go down.
Asking Alyssa if you should pick her up opens that option later.
Asking Maria for a date opens that option up for later if her mood is high enough.
Talk options when you pick Alyssa up are all goodish.
Take her out to avoid bad end.
Too many errors and this maybe firefox/ubuntu related. Error on displaying Maria vs
Alyssa moods throughout game. During sex with Maria the hand rubbing starts to fail
which eventually can break the sex scene. Alyssa`s sex scene doesn`t show main
characters Stamina properly so if you notice that it isn`t moving during sex you have
to guess how much stamina you have left.
Ending 1: Easy pretty much can`t miss this ending (alone)
Ending 2: Alyssa happy threesome picture with Maria
Ending 3: You leave Alyssa and get with Maria
Ending 4: Maria pissed and Alyssa leaves
Ending 5: Maria happy
great graphics… great game
Great game.. great graphics… added to favorite
very clever game. enjoyed the challenge.
Wow really love this game, Graphics, girls, story…all good ^_^ enjoyed it very much
awesome game like all games this type
Fantastic game-good graphic and hot girl-love the endings
spectacular graphic this, and the sex scene are very good
very hard to play=.=can get some tips
the graphics are so real looking
Pretty nice game. Graphics are good, and I can`t wait to find all of the endings.
One of my favourites, absolutely awesome!
the game has sexy girls, but the grammar sucks
excellent game and nice graphic. make more fun games.
Certain questions must be answered to get to the dates and endings of the game. An
example is that if you don`t ask Maria out on a date you can`t go out on a date with
her…. You don`t have to get every question right though, for instance I tested this
chain of events and made a mistake and still got the ending I wanted.
Three, such a magical
Would you care
How`s the salad?
Pass the salt
Talk with Aly
Today was your big
Wouldn`t dream
You look so pretty
A quickie?
I`d rather
Pull up x4
I must humbly
Red (I like this color but choose whatevers you want)
Yes I am
Then I won`t tell
You are right
Make a phone prank
Yes, I know
Talk with Maria
By the way
It`s nice to see
Fix the printer
Nothing major
Talk with Maria
Massage Maria`s Shoulders
Get back to work
You are just a quick learner
Do you want me
Some days
Check Maria`s purse
She`ll be tough
Would you like to
Pre pare for a date with Maria
Talk with Maria
You look
Well, tell me
Very phoenix-like.
Buy her some ice cream
Play pool together
For starters,
Offer her a drink x2
Kiss her hand
Talk with Maria
Let`s see how rusty
That was incredible-
the graphics and gameplay is really good
really nice graphic, and the game is really good.
Great game, great history
i think if her hair more longer she will be a great lookin
Game is definitely missing some steps. Literally tried every combination of conversation with both girls and end up with ending 1 every time, doesn`t matter where the meter is. Please fix, the game has potential.
Another great game from LOP. Fun time!
there some body can write how to get thees girls?
there is no winning this game. I max out their moods and still end up with ending 1
Can someone PLEASE put a decent walkthough for this cause I followed the guide above to the letter and still ended up the ending 1
spectacular story and graphics…
great game.. faild my first attempt
Love this game, nice graphics, this is the first game I`ve played here
Great game , i love it !
Love the gameplay. Excellent graphics as well, definitely one of the better games.
good simple game they need more like it
a really well made amazing game graohics are great
i love Maria, only not a very nice gameplay
pretty good game with hot girls
Alyssa is so sexy really enjoyed this game
Love this game. Graphics are good.
another excellent game lots of different endings
wish there were more scenes with her
great graphics, very sexy game
Confusing story, but worth the time i guess
Alyssa is really very sexy. god job
its hard to get a different ending. not sure what im doing wrong