MNF First date sex
Game rating
Comments (323)
Game isn`t bad, just very. very, very simple.
I love this game, if only that would happen to me in real life
Not the best MNF, but still good. Great animation, kinda short. Gets a solid score from me
Short game but really enjoyed it.
Not too bad of a game. I just wished all my dates were like this
pretty good game i guess hot chick though
nice one.. hope you post more game like this
good and nice game … like the story line simple and spoot on
Simple, quick, dialogue was boring, but a good game nonetheless.
the girl was sexy but follows the basic mnf sequence…
Ok little game but she seems very easy, you should have to try a bit harder to get her in the mood
these games are usually pretty good, but this one was a little too short :/
is very nice, but is kinda to short
I really enjoyed this game and the graphics were on point and fun storyline
easy and pretty good animations
i realy liked this game but the animation could have been a lot greater unlike the other games where the animation is really good.
love the game great graphics
I love this game, if only that would happen to me in real life
i hope i do that one day
rather pointless and totally unreal
this is my favorite game.
sexy game, love the lady with big boobs. fun. Keep making such games.
this game is a lit boring
What a girl with great boobs oO
graphics are real good and story its intrestig
good game, nice animation but too short
I liked it, but the scene where you play with her breasts kinda freaked me out, just looked unnatural.
the girl is sexi ,well good game
didn`t like the girl though bobs wer nice
Short but game was really good
Pretty good game, loved everything. but could`ve had more action
I wish I could bring this girl home with me.
great graphic but short and their no way you can lose. not much of a repeat playing game
The game is very good, the storyline is very short, the graphics are perfect
m`n`f games tend to be to short and easy. no loosing makes em a bit of a turn off, or loss of repeat factor. more characters needed and modes for more competitive players.
very boring game but girl is sexy
Like most M&F games, it wins. But like a lot says: It is really short.
Nice game. Game was short but has good graphics
it was really short but had really good graphics, nice story though
very very nice this is the best damn game site on the net ever!!!!!
Not bad, too short though
kind of boring but girl is hot
great game! the girl is soo dam hot
Not so bad, then most you can find in the web.
Not bad, bit short and got a bit bored of it
Good game but needs to be longer and a little more difficult
Not bad. a little short though
Girl is realy sexy but it shuold be longer
the game is toooo short and boring!!
A little too short but a great first date.