MNF First date sex
Game rating
Comments (323)
To anyone that enjoyed this game I would recommend “Meet`n`F Cruise”. Similar, but the Cruise one is longer with a lot more girls.
really good animation and interesting story
too shor but so funny game :0
Fantastic game. Very Sexy
one of my fav!
great tits
good graphics, good game but no stry just click click
Great series, sex scenes aree good withh brill animation
Good Game But not as good as the lessons of passion..
i like to be that male
the gameplay simple but enough
this game is everything i`ve come to expect from the meet-n-fuck series! Great graphics, hot chicks, and good sounds.
This game had great graphics
nice game but to easy and to short
this game was awesome wish my first date was like that
good game and awsome girl
great game pretty girl 🙂
wow for a cartoon this was simple and fun! Love the animation and sound effects!
excellent game cool graphics
i like the game but has to be longer
Love this game cant stop playing it they should make an second one 🙂
this game was awesome wish my first date was like that
A very good game, but should be longer
i remeber playing these games back wen games of desire was actually good
another mnf favorite great soundtrack
Awesome game. Awesome girll, too:)
this game is a bit short but overall still not bad
Like the game but it has to be longer
the game in general was very short and could be longer
this game is so damn good the girl is HOT
this game was very enjoyable and the graphics were awesome
Good graphics, great looking girl.nice game but too short
this is great…fast it
Good graphics, great looking girl. Would have like to have seen her play a little harder to get.
Simple, but overall a good game.
really like it 🙂 this is the game that you must play
Awesome yet simple game that doesn`t mess around with much bullshit and gets right into the interesting bits.
awesome game one of the best MNF games
The game is alright, not complicated at all, very straightforward. Good fuN!
hots girls makes this game superb
nice game great graphics but it could have been longer and harder it was to easy
Great game, love the reality of it 😀
nude game with good graphics and quick play
high quality graphics great frist date sex.great gameplay
Classic Fuck Game. It`s really good. I wish hot hot young chicks were like this. There always either a Knight in shining armor or there a whore. You can`t ever find one in the middle.
Good graphics loved playing it.
This is the best game, but I love the MNF series overall
Cute, and to the point. the audio is better than the graphics, but still fun
WOW,OMG, it the best game, high five man ,the best of the best, this game should get rewards
are there different endings when you answer different
Simple game mechanics with a happy ending
good game an good graphic