Medical Examination
Game rating
Comments (124)
A little short but one hell of a Doctors visit!
It is a very fun game with ok graphics
Very sexy graphics. Nice big boobies. Loved it.
hot show i liked it very much
Standard game but enjoyable gameplay
it`s nice and very challenging game.. a bit short though
It was a really funny and good game!
nice game so hot and graphic so sexy
Great tits on this girl, love to play with them
A little simplistic game, but a pleasant diversion. Nice cartoon graphics
this game is spectacular
graphic is good..the gameplay is great`s not boring..
it`s simple but realy good..
the breast realy got my nerve.. xD
Awesome game. Could do more anal and hopefully a sequel.
fun game so wanted to fuck her ass tho 🙁
Nice one…Good argumente and nice positions. Pity it didn`t have more anal.
Great,but needs to be longer
Was good, but to short needed to be longer.
bit too short but like it
This is a very simplistic game.
funny game with a nice gameplay en funny story
Oversized boobs aren`t really my thing, but a great game none the less :]
good game lead up was exciting made me play it through
the game was very graphic
really easy and hot but kinda boring
A simple yet really hot game, straight-forward “playing doctor”
well it`s allright, at least as far as lession of passion games go. some of them are cool, but most are kinda average…
I thought this was a pretty good game. Games Of Desire make damn good games!
nice an easy game. bit short but love it
nice way to visit the doctors
a bit short, and the transition between the woman being unwilling to very willing is way to short.
simple and good… man I wish I was in on that
Fun Game and great graphics
that was a very sexy game. who knew
very good game, though the dialog could use a little tweeking..I doubt that a doctor would ever speak in that manner to anyone..
i really like the album pic
Great graphics but should be longer.
Good graphics (which we`ve come to expect from MnF games), superb animation. The oversized boobs looked so realistic that I wondered how she could walk upright.
it s a game that its good to play and a game that we can every enjoy
game is OK, but not relistic
Amazing game with amazing graphics, Heather was so hot.
absolutely loved this one so well plaued
95 points, i love this kind of games, dortors and patients, awesome 2d
Great game, very simple, made me want more
found a side effect: it made me hard 😛
Pretty good. Played better.
Very funny game. Good replay to get a laugh or two.
it was g good game the grapigs where pefect also the the fact that it is a docter and
patient situtaion makes it a perfect g
ame the sound is also good
this game is cool graphics and sounds one of the best
gameplay is easy, nothing too hard. Graphics could have been much better.
Love games like these – sexy, submissive patient vs. horny doctor ;P