Looking 4 Love

Game rating 85.60%
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Comments (748)

  • avatar

    great graphics hot girls nice story nice game

  • avatar

    this game is really good! however, can anyone tell me how to get money? 😛

  • avatar

    Excellent game, thought the 50 days was challenging instead of the much easier 100.

  • avatar

    cool game ,,,, i like it more , wiyh th 50 day change

  • avatar

    i`d love to be one of these girls !

  • avatar

    wonderfull game. I suprised.

  • avatar

    This game is certainly good. I love it. This is your the best game so far without doubt. Keep up at good work LOP Team.

  • avatar

    good game nice graphics 🙂

  • avatar

    Not bad, I do like the shorter time frame.

    Some notes on Hanna
    +Fashion, Travels, Cars, Clubbing, Work, Food
    Flowers, Teddy Bear, Gold Necklace?
    30 for hand on leg
    Dating – Need portrait, $200, 50 Fitness
    Massage Back – 400
    Touch Leg – 600
    Take off Bra – 800
    Make Out – 1000, plus Style 70
    Anal needs 2000

  • avatar

    Really like the challenge of a 50 day conquest as apose to the 100+ ones of old, and it took some doing, but I managed to get ending 5 Its always the quite ones by getting a score of 4189 with Tina.

  • avatar

    Another nice LoP, many thx guys

  • avatar

    Great game with beautiful girls!

  • avatar

    dis game is great but da number days u have really sucks cause i cant get all the requirements for the brown head girl in time before i run out days so it should have been 100days instead of 50, but other dan dat, its a pretty awesome game.

  • avatar

    I like it. Gonna need some time to figure out all the endings though.

  • avatar

    Pretty interesting game. Needs a little more time than just 50 days.

  • avatar

    I like this game, although i thought the 50 day period is way to short….. love the game play and the girls…

  • avatar

    Quick tips for new players:
    1. For both the girls, if you try to do something she likes it tells you the relationship level needed to do that. If you click on something she doesn`t like at all, she just complains. Make a note of the required levels for your next attempt.
    2. Chat conversation topics – each girl has six that she likes; note those and only click on them.
    3. You can ignore the girls for the first couple of weeks, focusing on setting up your skills for income. A good starting sequence is:
    Day 1 – flowers, jog in the park
    Day 2 – flowers, buy tennis club membership
    Day 3 – train with pro twice
    Day 4 – Train with pro, Light Furniture
    Day 5 – Light Furniture x2
    Day 6 – Light Furniture, purchase AC and MP3 player, jog in the park

    Then you can either work your way up to bank jobs (culture/money for GPS) or mafia jobs (fitness to 50 for better income, then tinted windows/50 style/weapon)

    Once you have the MP3 player, jogging in the park is good to do whenever you are out of morale for studying/working.

    Endings I`ve found so far:
    Ending 1 – ignore the girls
    Ending 3 – focus on Hanna
    Ending 4 – focus on Tina

    Bug report: When I ended with the two girls at exactly the same relationship level (approximately 2580), it gave me “goending?=undefined” as the ending link, which doesn`t work.

  • avatar

    wonderfull game, very nice graphic!

  • avatar

    this is the nice game.I love it.any girls there??

  • avatar

    very good game, good graphics and history thanks for the game good job

  • avatar

    If possible could someone upload a walkthrough or a guide as to how they were able to finish the game with the blonde hanna because i get towards the end with just a few rep points away and then the 50 days ends much appreciated

  • avatar

    Great game, ans on point with the graphics. However I think it would be, slightly, easier if it was set to 60 days or even 55.

  • avatar

    Fun game. Once I figured out I could only focus on 1 girl at a time (so far) it got easier. Also not sure what customizing the van color or name does for you, seemed like a waste of money.

    Brunette is easier to complete than Blonde.

  • avatar

    a little small, but nice game

  • avatar

    Great game, but wish it had more days. Hard to get so much done in just 50.

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