Living with Sasha

Game rating 82.60%
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Comments 477

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Comments (477)

  • avatar

    also when using the “play with smart phone” option on sasha, after the action is done the game freezes on her vagina not allowing you to progress forward.

  • avatar

    pretty cool game just didnt last long enough

  • avatar

    Pls send the information where I download this game

  • avatar

    my wife get horney when i play this game

  • avatar

    the game still has far to many bugs to make the game playable, every time you encounter a sexual action where you have the possibility of screwing up by going to, “deep” the game gets stuck and won`t progress forward.

    the “feather” is not anywhere to be found.

    buying her the smartphone initially causes no reaction from her and no boost in relationship.

    when getting back from the date with nick if you choose the blowjob option the game will not only get stuck but you will loose relationship points whereas if you chose the confrontation of accusing her of fucking nick , you end up gaining relationship points.

    would seem like a good game if it actually worked properly.

  • avatar

    I liked the game. LOP comes thru again

  • avatar

    its ok lots of different sex but idk kinda slow

  • avatar

    awesome game love the graphics and difficulty. not too easy

  • avatar

    A lot to like about this one. Sexy girl, good sex. Several variations. I`ve only gotten endings 1 and 2 so far so more work to go. I`d like to see alternate paths with the college, hairdresser and girls at the pool. Also, is there any advantage to getting educated. I found I did best if I did physical to become lifeguard, fixed the AC, bought the lobster, fixed my hair, bought the toys, then worked on Sasha. The time I worked on getting educated for more income, I failed badly. Of course, ending 2 is not exactly a huge success (but there is a lot more sex). If there is a minimum education, I`d like to know that. Also, if there`s a target relationship score for a good ending, I`d like to know that, too.

  • avatar

    good game as allways but damit i got syuck in the part afther the date with nick when shes giving a blow job to terry dose not seen to pass or advance from there

  • avatar

    Version 1.01 improved, but does not acknowledge smartphone purchase yet and still disappears when used during intimate moments

  • avatar

    Very nice, I like that you have to work for it.

  • avatar

    End 2 is just a high love counter.

  • avatar

    Good game, but there are problems.
    The blowjob after Sasha goes out to see Nick was confusing- it kept saying “deep” and I couldn`t advance.
    Buying the smartphone didn`t advance dialogue with Sasha like it should.
    Please fix these issues!

  • avatar

    great game i like playing it!

  • avatar

    i like that hot lovly bitch sasha

  • avatar

    Sasha is hot this game is nice

  • avatar

    Its a nice game has nice graphics though the gameplay is a bit hard

  • avatar

    I just didn`t have the patience for this game.

  • avatar

    Great game, but I feel the sex scenes are a bit of a hassle. really takes away the immersion. But otherwise, graphics and story 100%

  • avatar

    great game! graphics and storyline ok

  • avatar

    Ending 3 at 2500.
    Nice game, addictive.

  • avatar

    Ending 3 requires a ridiculously high score (I did it with 4k, but probably didn`t need quite that much). This gets really tedious and repetitive since you can only get about 300/day once you`re earning at max speed. I`m guessing the actual score needed for ending three is 3k.

  • avatar

    Seems like you need to get a score of 2500 or higher to get to ending 3 …I got a 1910… 🙁
    I agree with you for the graphics..8.8/10 for me *smiles*

  • avatar

    A bit difficult in comparison to other games but the graphics are good.

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