Living with Lana
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Good graphics BUT the game is like those other games you must do the same things again and again.Mediocre
Awesome graphics and the game too
The graphics are amazing, it`s indeed a fun game
Amazing graphics and an awesome game
Nice game but the storyline = TOO SHORT
its pretty easy to get the 3rd ending (succes)
the main key is make sure you improving your Art lvl to 30 as fast as possible and improving your Fitness up to 24 on 7 days
Good game, not too long to get achievements and nice to have progress indicators.
can gife me some good walktrouw this on works not
Great graffic and aslo a great story
Non-official Walk-through:
*Disclaimer* this will get you all but 1 achievement. Thus far, I`ve noticed that [touching myself in public] and [Slut I am] seem to be mutually exclusive. Why? Because when you achieve [Slut I am] you have enough relationship points that the game skips ahead to best ending, which means skipping day 22 where you get the [touching myself in public]. If I`m mistaken, please feel free to correct me.
Day 1: eat healthy meal x 5
Day 2: Practise jogging x4 (subway travel to park to do), eat healthy meal
Day 3: Practise jogging x4, sell newspapers
*Yes, I know playing bball gets 3 fitness, but it decreases morale, whereas jogging slightly increases morale, making working more often possible*
Day 4: Practise jogging x4, Work as a bouncer (Subway travel to bar to do)
Day 5: Sell newspapers at 9:00 and 15:00, watch porn movies at 12:00 (go to office to do), go home and say yes to go to the bar at 18:00, give her 3 shots of tequila here to get the [To drunk to sit] achievement, work as bouncer at 21:00
Day 6: Notice that relationship magically fixes itself Saturday morning, do laundry, watch porn movie, go to subway and buy flowers, interact with her on couch to give flowers, go to bedroom and massage Lana`s back.
At this point, you need to raise Lana`s relationship with you to 50, but you will also need to build up money to progress the relationship past 150 level, which costs 150 dollars, plus the Friday taxis to the bar, and a 20 tip at 100, so the pattern for most days now is:
9:00, interact with Lana (kiss opens at 10, caress pussy opens at 50)
12:00, watch porn movies (until sexperience hits 30)
15:00, interact with Lana (pick her up and set her on dining room table opens at 10, as does the first option, french kiss her, take off her top opens at 20, lick her pussy at 75, take her on the table at 130)
18:00 work as bouncer
21:00 interact with Lana (massage opens at 10, kiss her passionately at 25, strip her at 50) strip her menu: (finger her pussy opens automatically, ask her to play with your cock at 75, ask her to masturbate in front of you at 100, and ask for sex at 150)
By next Friday, you should be almost at 100, if not 100 yet. Once you hit 100 you have to wait for a weekday 12:00 to progress further with Lana, so if you hit 100 on Friday, don`t bother trying to level up your relationship with Lana.
When you are at 100 relationship, you can get two more achievements, one at 18:00 and one at 21:00. at 18:00 cover her eyes and lick her, and when the choice comes up choose â??don`t listen to her and force her to spread her legsâ? and as long as your sexperience is above 30, the achievement [blind and wet] will pop. At 21:00 choose â??strip herâ? and then â??ask her to masturbate in front of youâ? when the choice comes up choose â??order her to continueâ? and then play through the game, and the achievement [sexy show for you] will pop.
When you hit 100 relationship, you need to go to the school at 12:00, and Lana will take you to lunch. There are 3 real choices, with the 4th being to end the date, and go in order and do them all. The third choice will include branching choices, and so the first choice is â??touch her pussyâ? then â??ask her to lick her saliva from your fingersâ?. Doing this will pop the achievement [Lick this honey] After this, end the date, but make sure to â??pay the bill $20â? as it increases the relationship.
Now continue the pattern as before, but if you want to increase art you can do that instead of watching porn movies at 12:00. At 15:00 you can unlock another achievement, by placing her on the table and taking her there. When the game has finished playing itself out, choose â??come over her pussyâ? to unlock the [dessert is served] achievement.
Now, while blowjob is unlocked at 150 relationship points, it`s impossible to get the achievement until you have over 150 relationship points, so don`t worry about that one until after you give her the ring. If you`ve been following my advice up to this point, you will easily have the $150 needed for the ring, so just buy it as soon as it`s available. After you buy the ring, then you can get the remaining achievements. At 18:00 ask for a blowjob, and when you finish choose â??hold her head and come inside her mouthâ? this will trigger the achievement [the girl that swallows!]
at 21:00 â??strip herâ? and then â??ask for sexâ?. After playing through the game, choose â??cum inside herâ? this will trigger the achievement [I love hot cum inside me]. You can`t get this achievement at the table or later in the bar, so this is where it triggers.
When Friday comes, go to the bar as usual, and order her 2 shots of tequila. Then select â??gently caress her body.â? Interact with all 3 hot spots, and then choose the button to the lower left â??stand between her legsâ?. Next choose â??Put your fingers inside her pantiesâ? This will then send you to the bathroom together, triggering the [Let`s go to the bathroom] achievement.
During the sex scene I`ve found that you can do either giving or receiving oral, but there are less bad ends to giving oral, so I lick her rather than have her give a blowjob. After she climaxes she`ll tell you to pull out because she wants to suck you off. â??Do as she saysâ? and you will trigger the last achievement in the bar [Slut I am] and then it`s to the ending.
Anyway, fun game, thanks LoP artists.
Great game and awesome graphics
can give someone a good walcktouw i get stuck on the monny
nice game but she gives you only 21days ?
Amazing visuals for an amazing game. Was able to get all the achievements.
A really good game. Maybe a bit to short. Should add a week i think
This game was awesome, i hope that they make more free games.
Graphics are top notch, game play is ok. need more days to really unlock things though
very sexy game and good graphe
Thanks for the Game! Great Shit! Love it!
i love it soo much
keep cum 2 time ohh gad
One of the best lesson of passion game. I have ever played.
Can I See Your Instruction gamers?
It`s pretty solid, rated it 75. Seen better sexual game play, but the artwork on Lana was impressive. Not a huge amount of replay value but the time I spent with it was fun and worthwhile.
Kind of weird that your character learns about sex by watching porn on his laptop… people who learn about sex that way suck at it. 🙂 But whatever, I guess you gotta have a game mechanic.
Very nice game but pretty hard if you want to take it slow, if you don`t have sex with her in two weeks she will leave you so you have to be fast.
for raising fitness, make sure to eat healthy food for first day, and then practice jogging, and after that play basketball when you can
Can someone please create a guide, i always get ending 1 and how do you increase stats fast?
Goog Story, great Scenes!
Great storyline, graphics and sex scenes. Managed to get 2 out of 3 achievements and it was not 2 easey. Lana is perfect. 10/10
Great progression and storyline
Go to school at 12 on a weekday to pick her up from school.
awesome im lesbian and i squirted to this
The graphics are great the game itself isn`t too easy and the animations are pretty cool also
I only been able to get ending 1 and 3. Is there a walk through for ending 2? Need some help for ending 2
Very good. Animations are not dynamic enough, but gameplay is pleasant and even
somewhat novel.
She looks great its a challenge but its a good storyline and l got all the endings. Good fun.
Well, after playing a few times, i finally got the 3 ending. Tips that worked for me : Do art classes until you have 30 art, than work home. After you get 5 eating healthy go to park and jogging, you can do basket classes after 15 points. Dont forget to see porn or you will pass bad time having sex with Lana. Good game.
Great game, finally was able to get Ending 3! Bought her the gold ring, then just played it out. Relationship was about 300
thanks for the great game
Excellent game, enough variation to keep it interesting on the whole way through…
It`s a good game I just seriously cant get the slut achievement
When I do her in the bathroom he always comes inside of her no mater what I do.
If I have high sex experience (guys pleasure bar doesn`t go up) he just comes inside her when I click “make her cum”
If I have low sex experience he just comes inside her as soon as his pleasure bar is full. What am I missing?
its good from what I have played. everything seems to work as intended and pretty straight forward.
How do you pick her up from school?
Fun game. Basically you can ignore ART and you want to focus on getting fitness up to over 30 as quick as possible. Then work on talking with Lana and getting LOVE up in the morning, then watch porn at noon, talk with Lana at 3 and 6pm then work as bouncer at 9pm to make the money you need. Should be good from there.
One of the best games i have ever played
Lana is love. The animation in this game is interactive and arousing.
not too much option with lana
The animations where a bit mediocre sometimes but I think the saving grace here is Lana, She`s just beautiful.
A very hot game and story, I just suggest that could have more girls and possible relationships.
Nice looking new game, liked it.
Very nice and damn hot game.
This took a while to get the hang of how much each thing could be done, how to build stats the best with just the short period of time. Definitely a good game though… hot girl, hot premise, and a great release – thanks leonizer!