Lesbian Fashion
Game rating
Comments (1470)
1. Art work very good
2. During the interaction play, there could be sexual sounds included
3. Seemed rushed .
4. Not enough twist in turns in the plot structure
5. The wheel is a good gadget , make more though.
6. Use motion hot spots like the games in Christiesroom.com
7. Make the sequences in action as long as the dating sim adventures!!
Very hot game. It would be nice to have a few more endings.
nice game, very hot chicks!
one of the best games here!
This is great, more ending and all. Very hot. Hehehe.
Good graphics. Always good quality from this publisher.
not a bad game. Maybe it doesnt call me much because of the story, but nice graphics indeed.
i loved the game…..very sexy
i would like be between this 2 sexy girls
I adore lesbian so this game is amazing for me but it`s pb??iviusy for the game like this that are amazing and always beatiful
Interesting. needs better endings.
this is a great game please make more!!
its funny most of hese days every girl you meet is a lesbian including actors!
Way hot…gotta love the girls` action….have to try other endings
Good Graphic and awesome gameplay
a very sexy game I love it
game nice, graphic was decent
very good game,more endings,very hot scenes..i have reached one,but i am not ending this game 😀
the graphic is relly good
graphics in changing room is great! good game
lovedit, nice story line!
Bit of a dissapointment. At first I thought, “wow, cool a lesbian themed game.”, after playing found that it was too short. It is obvious that not much thought went into this one.
great graphics and nice history
Got two endings so far. Christy and husband. Having trouble with other two. Could use some help.
Game is great but ending are ridiculous
graphics are basic but good storyline
Don`t like this one so much. design of characters could be better. Story isn`t much too!
this is one of the best lezbian games ive played.. personally ..i think youve done a GREAT job with this one!
i like lesbian games, and this is a good one
very good game, but “Getting to know Christine” it is the best.
I love this game cause i love lesbian games
Good game, Nice graphics. Some spots could use a beter interface.
such a great game..one of the best!
and her nails are cuuutee :] I want emm
mmm rose is sexyyy I`d let her use that dildo on mee. ;]
Verg good game and love the graphics.
Great girls. Pretty good action. Would like to see more types of action maybe even a threesome with a guy.
Loved this game. Little short and not too challenging, but was still hot and a lot of fun.
very good game, sexy great scenes , loves the graphics
it was fun, played it twice now
It`s a good quality game, although i prefer games with more choices and animation. Otherwise the idea and concept is great!
Liked the ending and graphics were not too bad
Loved the game, good endings and super story!
I enjoyed the game, though I was left wanting more! Seems like just when the game could turn into an interesting story for you to play out…. it just ends!
good game nice lesbians easy
exelente juego me encanto aunque un poco corta la historia
good graphics and good game
Very good game love the action and reaction of the characters.
very good game and nice graphics, not to difficult either, good game