Lake party
Game rating
Comments (1666)
I really love scense in sauna, graphic is nice
I like the Graphics. Story isn`t too bad either.
This is a really fun game to play through.
can you give us the entire trick because im stuck in the game
great graphics great game
Good game, awsome graphic
Good game , nice graphic.
good graphics and sexy game
I couldnt get past some of the parts but I still kinda liked it
I have reached Ending 2,going on
I love it,it`s good and fun.
One of the bests games i played. I like it very much, is so HOT
Good game. Very sexy graphics.
Decent game, graphics same as the others but still fun
this game is great i loved it
very very fun loved it keep making more
Good grafics and fun to play but,can be short!
Amazing graphics and the gameplay does the job nicely with a decent selection of endings.
My only negatives on the game is how short it is and how few sex scenes there are with each character considering (granted you have 3 different sex possibilities with 2 characters is impressive), but this does not detract from the fact that this is extremely good
The game play has cool plots and the women are hot as always.
both the girl in this game are hot
nice a smooth game no problem with the game nice and romantic
Man i love these editors choice games, they really are the best with graphics and gameplay.
Really good game, but could be more explored. Thanks
How do you get to have sex with her alone?
how do you get each ending? i can only get 2 of 3
Found all endings, great job
very good game a lot of good endings
the girls were really hot
Nice game but needs to be longer.
i felt in love with this game!! one of your best so far, you should put more saunas in your games… please put more saunas!!!!
game is great ! a little sad that ashley`s story is so shot compared to lily but still great. And i laughed so hard about the threesome 😀
Great game! We need more Lily!
The gameplay is awesome…graphics makes it more involving but i feel it will be even more erotic if you could add more soundtracks during the blowing parts
Not bad game. MAybe could have used more sex.
good game and gorgeous girls
Good Game kinda short 🙂
Great game. Should`ve had more ending imo
Awesome game and one of the better games on PF1. Art for Ashley is probably the best I`ve seen on the site, just wish she had more options and artwork. Overall: 9/10
yeah! a new game and as always a great game and graphics
I love this game! It`s just so sexy!
Played this 3 times and hit 3 different sex ending (sex with each girl and then a 3some with Kevin invoved), animation is a bit jerky but apart from that the game is good, moves at a nice pace and has good graphics. 9/10
like the way Ideas get put into practise.
For what it is , it`s good.
nice game like tht one girl acts kind of shy
Can`t get ending 4. No option to use repellent. How many points do you need with Lily before this will work? I have 9
i like this game she is hottt
The game is a bit short, but it`s a great game thou. I liked it
Where the hell is the mosquito repellent in the apartment? cant find it!!!!
i liked the game, nice story, nice graphics
Really good game. The graphics are awesome. Couldnt ever get with Lilly though lol
it is the best sex game every