Kitsumi: The cheating wife
Game rating
Comments (256)
a great game, goog graphic
great game and graphic , I really enjoy it
Got all the endings and each one was hot!! I would love to give her anal anytime.
This game has awsome graphics and a great storyline.
awesome, i wish i can find sequel of this one XD
this game is pretty simple .. but has awesome graphics
one of the best games i have played
great game but i just didn`t like it so much than the rest of this kind of games
This game is very hot but kinda short….I really enjoyed it though
good quality but too short
nice job, on this game, this was very well done
sexy game, but the facial expressions are kinda off in some sex scenes
excellent is really nice graphic too
This was a pretty cool game liked the storyline
One thing this game did that some of the others lacked was the click and hold rather than running the mouse back and forth, makes it so much simpler to get through the touching phases.
more house problems whould be nice as sequele
i enjoy the way that you move through the game with the clicking a lot easier play
hots girls makes this game superb
Its pretty good, but not the best I`ve seen from LoP. Somehow the story didn`t go that much of smoothly as the cheating wife. I dont know what was stopping me but I couldnt feel it so awesome as many others. 7/10
Not my favourite Lesson Of PAssion game but still pretty good
excellent is really nice graphic too.
confusing really..there should be hints…..the girls animation was really average
Nice Game, Excellent graphics as usual.
kkkkkkk i like this game hahahahhahanice graphic and animation
Great game. In the touching phase, the leg touching was too hard to find…
Good game, love this type
I got stuck with the touches too…in rest it`s a cool game
game was very enjoyable would play it again for a diff ending
these games are so awesome but finding where you need to grab or rub is a little hard
amazing game. super hot sex scenes great graphics, and i like the different styles of pleasure.
I liked the plot of the cheating wife and the tv mechanic. Very interesting…
great game amazing details nice storyline and leght
good game easy to play hot babe nice storyline
a fantastic game with good animations and graphics.
Kitsumi sounds like a stereotypical rich snob. Manipulate you into getting what they want and then piss and moan when you change shit up on them. She`s got a great body, but the face needs work. Kitsumi is a butterface.
I liked it, Katsumi really is something.
it was the best game ever and kitsumi is very pretty
i love this game one of my favorites
Fun little game but it could use more endings.
this is the gread game i have played, so graphics is gread…
im stuck at the part where u have to touch her whole body. please help!
Love the asian chick, love the graphics. Lesson of Passion has always produced excellent games.
this animation game is very good, nice fuck and perfect bobs
hots girls makes this game superb
Great graphic and game.i wish it was longer game play. 😀
Love this game so far but im stuck on clickin only when its by the red part cant get passed it help me
Good Game, nice animation!
A very sexy game. Don`t keep yr wife at home bored
hot girl, but i think its to short!