Kim: the cheating wife
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There`s not much of storyline. It`s mostly built on the sex scene. Still a good enough game.
I liked it. The story was OK, the sex great.
i love the game great storline and good graphicsrn
Liked this one a lot. Liked the married woman cheating storyline especially graphics and animation were good. Gameplay was not totally intuitive but was reasonable.rn
Cheating her husband and fucking me was off the hook
Awesome gameplay fantastic grpahics very hot girlsrnrn
short game. the whole game is sex scenes, i wish there was more storyrn
nice game. lots of fun love the graphics
Pretty nice game. Hope we will see of this stylern
nice game for a quick and easy play
If you`re going to do anal, show anal. Otherwise pretty darn good.
lession of passion is always the best, super graphic, sexy girls and so much morern
Quite average game. Dull story and big fake boobs bitch
good game i like the graphics pulse the game play
short sweet and let`s face kim is hot good game
Game with beautiful graphic and good dialogs, it`s short but pleasant 🙂
Such a nice game with amazing graphics it is
Fun game. Basically everyone`s fantasy.
Lovely model, I`d love to have a girl like her. Love the graphics.
Short game but exellent story
This game is honestly good yall try this outrn
Not a bad game at all, one of the easier ones to play, only took a short time relatively to figure out how to get the affection to max, but i didnt see a way to see the endings i unlocked, so i have no idea where i stand on that point.
Great game cant wait for more
nice game for a quick and easy play but not the best the site has to offer
Great game for a quick play and the main girl is attractive too so that is a bonus
the game is good but too short
Great games, very enjoyable, and great sex scenesrn
French sounds interesting.
Wish LOP make some more similar types of games. These short but sweet ones are my favourites. Kim is sexy.
Great graphics and sex. Very hot game
This game is amazing! The gril is so hot!
good game. very easy to play
This girl is hot. Incredible graphics to show her beauty.
Asome graphics hot ,hot girl.
great game, more of kim pleasernshe is a hotty
Great Game, I liked it and ill keep playing it.
Ireally love the graphics and content behind this game and especially like the concept
Its decent. Not many chances for screwing up.
Great girl great game great LOP
one of the best and the easy gamern
the gameplay is very intertaining and the graphics were 10/10
hot, sexy, pleasure.. super game
of love this game as an extension. Kim is such a slut and this adds to her character nicely. Adds to City of Love for sure.
Great graphics and background music, as expected of LOP. There could be more relevant interactivity with the environment; as when the characters are introduced and we interact with the environment, but it has no effect on the game (I still don`t know what the egg does for Kim?). I hope that they can make games like this for most LOP premium games to add incentive and continue the story after subscribing.
Not bad either by the way i like it
The game is okay. The clicking through the scenes feels a little choppy, made it a bit awkward.
playfull game enjoy and ur arge will go high
awesome game with some very smooth gameplay and some of the best graphics I`ve seen
too short but nice, graphics are good enough too
Awesome game! Grafics and story line are excelent