Jordan 500: HCC

Game rating 87.30%
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Comments 4521

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Comments (4521)

  • avatar

    great games she is really hot

  • avatar

    I said in another post this games ok its hard getting your reputation up. Can anyone tell me how to do it faster I go to the strip club as soon as I can. I know you get 200 when the get raped buy the mob boss which I could barely stomach but until the chick that owns the nice club gives you 500. You can`t even see B list clients until you get 1000. And even after seeing B clients I could get her services up high enough for most B clients to pay the full amount So can someone tell me one how to get the reputation up faster, two get her services skills up faster. Also they have a few games like this with a female turning her in to a hooker this one and Eleanor and a couple others. I would like and think is a good idea have a guy follow him as he see`s escorts You could do the same with him watch his health make money to go to see them and take that story in different ways. Its a thought I would play it and if someone knows of a game like that let me know thanks

  • avatar

    well i tried to play but its a bit of a challenge. but overall i don`t think 100 days will be enough to finish the game. next time if theres a game like this let there be a tutorial as a reminder.

  • avatar

    favorite game and it rlly awesome

  • avatar

    this was a very good game, i enjoyed it very much

  • avatar

    i love this game. the graphics are realy nice.

  • avatar

    lpve the game.. quite long but good gameplay and graphics…

  • avatar

    Great game, one of my favorites

  • avatar

    I think it is a good game because if the great animation

  • avatar

    great game, love the ending

  • avatar

    I love the quality of this game

  • avatar

    My key to success is to go to the club and take self-defense classes until 100 as the class B and A customers can be quite violent.

  • avatar

    great game and good quality of work was put into this

  • avatar

    Fun to play, even if it`s easy.

  • avatar

    I didn`t get into the time/money aspect of the game. I just wasn`t my kind of thing. Haven`t got the time for it.

  • avatar

    I really like this game but maybe more option and more choice would be greatest

  • avatar

    good fun with this game and entertainment

  • avatar

    hottie blondie just great at fuck

  • avatar

    i think 100 days were very less

  • avatar

    very nic game great graphic

  • avatar

    this is very good game but i need to know how i can continue it every time i close my browser it say start new game and continue button is none clickable plez anyhelp

  • avatar

    fun game but really repeats a lot

  • avatar

    Played this game a while ago, still like it!

  • avatar

    I simply can`t give up playing Jordan 500: HCC

  • avatar

    I`m not that much into tattoos but that sure was hot :O

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