Jordan 500: HCC
Game rating
Comments (4521)
really interesting
Good enough to play and have nice game, i played it about 7 years ago
Big fan of 500 series. I like multipe cutscenes.
best game, played several times
Even one of the Best games here.
i love a game with so many choice makes it replayable
Nice game, a little bit long but good game
Please release a updated version, cant get enough of this game.
A great classic game, with so much paths to choose. You`ll never get bored with it. This is one of the experience which makes me a fan of LOP games (after LWT, of course !)
Great Gamernwish i knew how to win or at least get further along.
any sequel in the jordanverse?
This game was great it reminds me what i want to do in my life…rn
I like you can play as a girl. Bit repetitive, but graphics are really hot. Overall very good game!
It was a great game in my opinion if i could give one piece of advice make it more smooth gameplay wise i had the feeling sometimes i was just repeating the events.rnA little bit more sex would be increasing the fun.rnBut very nice “strategy game”.
This is the best game from PFO!
This game was great, I liked the endings, and took some time off my hands.
great game – wish it was longer 🙂
definitivamente va a mis favoritos monton de horas de diversion
One of my favorite games, have played many times. Lots of complexity, an engaging plot, and many different ways to approach the story, along with very well designed graphics and gameplay.
amazing, loved the sexy and hot complexity
sexy graphics we like it…