Jill the Plumber
Game rating
Comments (69)
Eh… not a game and really not much fun. Like the fantasy though..
well for a cartoon its great, the animation is clean and the ppl look very nice, but there really no playing as you can just watch as it cycles thru actions, u just pick the pose
omg that was not bad ok but not bad
that was not a game but it was ok
Short, interactive movie. Nice gfx, hot action.
Boored game , lost interest quick.
not very interactive but not that bad
Not bad.In fact,pretty good.
This game was not very challenging. I won. I saw boobs.
1. I check her out for a little bit more.
2. Let´s get even closer.
3. I say “Hello”.
4. I wanted to make a report with the most beautiful girl on the beach. So, how are you?
5. That sounds like fun. Can I go with you?
6. Yeah, you have almost knocked me over on the way in… 🙂 Then I saw you here and decided to get to know you better.
7. Yeah, it really is hot out here!
8. “Oh, sure” – you say and arrange your gear next to hers until she comes back.
9. What are you reading?
10. Schools have no idea what you need to study. They just teach you whatever kind of teachers they have available.
11. I know something about computers, but that doesn´t mean that EVERYONE has to love them.
12. OK, I won´t bug you with this. Maybe I can bug you with something else: Can I REALLY go with you on a boat ride? Is that all right?
13. The two of you start walking towards the boat house.
14. Can I ask you, what you´ll be doing later today?
15. I have no clue. Do you have any suggestions?
16. I guess thats what I´ll do then.
17. I´m dying in this heat. Let´s go to the pool instead!
18. I don´t say anything. I just wait for her to get done.
19. I wait for her while she showers.
20. Let´s go!
21. I´ll give it a shot. I wave at her.
22. Next
23. Bathing suits ARE mandatory here!
24. Those homos! I sometimes go out in the forest and go nude there. At worst, the chipmunks get pissed off.
25. Well then, let´s go out someplace together! I´m sure there´s some nice quiet place somewhere by the river.
26. Of course! And you really don´t have to worry about me. I am not some kind of maniac. Otherwise I go to nudist places quite often, there´s nothing wrong with that.
27. It´s much nicer out here in the countryside, than on those packed beaches.
28. OK, I´ll go ahead and check if the area is clear over there.
29. Niki is getting closer as well. I´ll wait for her.
30. There ain´t nobody here.
31. Sure, go and pick some.
32. I just look at her as she´s wandering around.
33. Next
34. That´s pretty nice, I didn´t see those flowers around here.
35. I think it´s time to get undressed. After all that´s what we came all the way here for.
36. In that case we should only get a little bit undressed 🙂
37. I don´t ask her, I just start taking my clothes off.
38. I strip down to my undies.
39. Why should I be??
40. Are you trying to tell me that you´re just following my example?
41. You don´t have to take off everything if you don´t want to.
42. I really had no special plans, it´s just that I´ve never been around here before.I got on the first train and now I´m here.
43. There´s nothing wrong with planning. Sometimes I miss it a little. It´s just that too much planning makes you miss out on things.
44. I really didn´t take much time to party while I was in school. I studied too much.
45. Do you want to go out somewhere tonight?
46. I pick up my stuff…
47. Let´s go.
48. All right, tonight at 8!
49. I go pick her up.
50. Hey, where have you been?
51. Do you want to drink this before we go out?
52. Let´s go!
53. Can you get us two glasses?
54. That sounds like just what you want and you start to soften her up with a little more bubbly.
55. Let her have another one!
56. I drink some, just to keep up.
57. Be careful, not to over do it!
58. That drink went to your head a little, are you sure you´ll want to dance?
59. If you can, let´s see it.
60. Let´s see, let´s get it on?
61. Super!
62. So far, so good?
63. Are you a dancer otherwise?
64. Do you always wear this much in clubs?
65. This is very convincing.
66. I´ll tell you. Except if my heart stops from this dazzling show. -> now the picture on the left should change
67. You are beautiful!
68. I really want you! I´ll go fucking crazy if you tease me any longer.
69. I think you are beautiful!
70. I really want you now sweetie!
from here it´s just a next kind of thing to reach the end
Very nice it needs an ending and better graphics a bit more sound.
not a game and ad a cum scene..
Not really a game since you just click. But its fun to sit and check it out.
fantastic short old game, very nice! I like it!
The girl isn`t even pretty
A simple game, music is best of it!
Too short. Not much of a game
not enough of a challenge
average game. animation and graphics are not so good
i like the concept behind this it is funny
I loved thiis game….but ii wiish iit was longer
old gaim remember it from long ago
without attention to detail. and it`s the minor problem, no choise, no movimento, vote
too shirt graphics are good though
It was ok, not much good, just ok.
Not my kind of games, but still worth a try.
too short and not very interresting, but it was some what good
The game is short and the controls are a bit old but good animation
not much of a game per-say. But it did stir the pants. A light story line would make this great. Thanks
good anamations a littel short but stil hot
Don`t like it, bad story and grafic too
Simple game, okay graphics not nice animation
Good variety but a little basic
I just wish there was more to it.
simple but funny game. i prefer long games
lol,funny,dont understand how not getting caught gets him laid tho:P
not good for me the girl looked too idiotic
A lil jewel of the first interactive sex 2d games. Ill always have this one on a high spot since it was of the first sex games i ever played (hence jerker to) a long long while ago .
nice little story and good interactive movie
I remember playing this game a long time ago and i remember Jill being much more sexier then she is now
one of the best games i played
really good simple game. nice gfx
It`s incredible ! I like it
hot and sexy game like it tooo much
would have liked to fuck more of them and if it should have lasted longer
Long time i don`t play this animation!!!! was a good one
Good animations and has a very different game play than other games here.
funny, but no cum in the end
good game wish there was more to do
No interaction and never ending… Graphics aren`t good either.