Jedi Concetration
Game rating
Comments (98)
A hard game. It`s not easy to move the lightsaber. Maybe I don`t have the Force in me…
good arcade game nice choice with the light savors
i found it very difficult because you cant see the corser
What a silly little game.
nice gameplay, althogh moving the sword is hard and the game is short.
A game for starwars fans,
Don`t think I`ll be revisiting this one. Has promise, but it`s just not there yet.
Easy and too boring game for me. I need more action to keep it interesting
Is imposible to concentrate mmmm boobs
The targets are a little hard to spot against the background, on high resolution
This game is funny. sexy and easy, but the control can become irritating because that the screen is so small.
Too bad it`s very short, the concept is interesting and could be built upon.
Not bad but screen is very small and controlling the light saber can be difficult at times.
its an alirght game but the its hard to control the saber
Kinf of boring, and not really good.. 50/100
realy short game, needs more levels
fun little game, would have been good to have more level
fun but not worth playing twice
best game already beated it about 20 time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this is The esiest game on the site
A good game, but good use a better sotry line
Fun game for a short bit. Didn`t have any issues controlling the lightsaber, just make sure to keep your mouse inside the window.
the only difficult part of the game i found was that i kept running my cursor out of the game window. other then that it was fun and well worth the reward
Its a fun and entertaining game 🙂
star wars fan, furry fan…should have been a hit…mouse controls killed it for me
this game suffers two big issuses, 1 who is it aimed at? ok the star wars stuff is ok…but the character is a purple furry…..??? 2 i really didnt get a sense of achievement from playing it…idk maybe it was the furry…plus the controls are difficult, looseing control of your saber is a nono
Boored game i didnt even finish the game.
good game but very difficult
Where should this game be sexy?
A purple Cat, come on!
I found this game very Challenging.
I didn`t understand to well. It was fun enough, but no real…purpose. Maybe if you earned something for doing so many blocks of objects…?
Small and fun but has zero replay value.
very sexy game bit turned on
its an alirght game but the its hard to control the saber
Where should this game be sexy?
A purple Cat, come on!
it was pretty hard to do with a very sensitive touchpad
Is very uncomfortable to control the light saber
this game is definitly hard takes your concentration off when she starts to get naked
Pretty fun game but still a hard one
a bit to easy for me but others might like it
ok game needs more to it tho