Jedi Concetration
Game rating
Comments (98)
Tough to control but a fun mindless parody game
But with stuff flying at me, I can`t even see, how am I suppose to enjoy her.
Star Wars line parody.
very good and very funny game ;]
pretty hard game to play but very fun too
I never like star wars until now
The key is that the sword handle is your mouse pointer, just block the objects with the handle. But that`s not as cool as using the actual light saber.
Decent old game,the lightsaber, it is too hard to control but its Ok.
fun game but really hard to get use too
Very hard game. The sword doesn`t move fast enough and the objects come too quickly.
simple game would have been better if it was full size screen
cant get past the first level dont understand this game, help!
would be gd if the screen was bigger but all in all its a gd game
This game is pretty fun. It is quite challenging not to stare at the furry stripping behind the lightsaber, haha. Great Game
funny game but hard to control
It was hard to get it down the first couple times…. The scream at the end was funny
really fun but hard to control lightsaber after the master starts masturbate
good for a star wars fan
As Star Wars Fan it`s kind of fun… like the furry O_O
ha made me laugh, hard to move around the little screen though
As Star Wars Fan it`s kind of fun… like the furry xD
I like this game alot! They need to make a new one thats a little longer!
I liked the animation but just wished you could do more with the girl.
the game was alright i guess
yep …definitely agree ..i would like a larger screen size too
ok that was fun but kinda hard
I agree with the last comment the screen is to small, but otherwise a nice game
I keep taking a hit right as the game starts. Anyone know why or how to block it?
Short but sweet. Doesn`t last long, but it`s fun while it dose.
this game has some really good endings.
would like more furry games
Game was fun all in all.
really stupid game….i didn like the animal…
furry fun wonder if theirs more
Game got harder when her boobs were out. Damn, hard game, furry sex? Nice.
Fun, but very difficult to control around the screen.
hahaaaa never looked at star wars that way lol
This game is great I simply love it
Funny game, different jedi might be nice.
fantastic game but too smal the arena:)
Ah love how theyv changed a classic 😀
Fun game, need to make another.
fun game, the name is apt, i really had to concentrate near the end
This is what really happened in Star Wars.
It`s an older game but it`s good.
Good game. Unfortunate that it loops here, as I have seen it on other sites with an end animation with a Play again button.
like the star wars theme of it all
Quite a fresh idea. Well painted.
Fun game, need to make another.
short game but funny graphics. It took some time to get used to using the mouse to control the saber.
hahahahhaha it`s entertaining and kinda funny
Fun concept, took a bit to get the hang of it, but fun to play