
Game rating 74.40%
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Comments 224

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Comments (224)

  • avatar

    i love this it`s so funny and so cute

  • avatar

    great game i found the test quite hard and the stress levels get too high to quick

  • avatar

    Funny games , and i enjoyed it

  • avatar

    the graphics on the game were great i like the fact that you are an alien

  • avatar

    Nothing to write home about. Other games much better

  • avatar

    Cute game, but kinda redundant

  • avatar

    Im stuck because i hit lab and it wont let me do anything

  • avatar

    Cute, but don`t see any way to win… i got hit with three fines in a row

  • avatar

    Cute little game, but there is a lot that it could improve on. I LOVED the animations. They were so cute, especially the sex animations. In a game where doing the same thing over an over again is a must, I was surprised that it never got old. The game doesn`t really help you much though. I had to figure out most of the mechanics on my own. I didn`t know how stress was accumulated, and it took me a while to figure out that it could only be relieved through having sex with women you pick up, (and not the prostitute you pay for). I didn`t know what the prostitute was even for, until I found out I had a stats bar for my character and found out it was increasing. The game glitched out on me at one point when I flew to playa land without having enough money. I was in negative money, and after it realized I didn`t have any money, I couldn`t buy food to regain energy, because mayo doesn`t do crap, so I was stuck with having 0 energy and had to stop. The game also doesn`t really tell you what is required to be successful in picking up women.


  • avatar

    LOL after I was hit with a $1000 sexual harrassment fine. I just couldn`t come back from that.

  • avatar

    great at first but when you have completed it one time you see that theres just too much work for too litlle reward,and the socalled sex-scenes are the same and the same,meehh not so good all in all.pooir graphics too

  • avatar

    It started off good, but it got repetitive and boring quickly, not to mention confusing.

  • avatar

    can be very difficult and the school tests are a bit of a pain.

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  • avatar

    Cute game, but kinda redundant

  • avatar

    graphics to bad, illogic and boring game, I don`t like nothing

  • avatar

    Nothing to write home about. Other games much better

  • avatar

    This game was cute, but I didn`t feel like I had enough time to earn money, and it got old quickly.

  • avatar

    this has to be one of the funniest games of its type and well made too

  • avatar

    is very funny game and very good game its like a lot

  • avatar

    Damn sexual harassment fine. You just can`t come back from it!

  • avatar

    good game but the graphics are bad

  • avatar

    this game is awesome but shit graphics

  • avatar

    this game is fun but idk get money

  • avatar

    it´s a very funny game, but it takes a lot of time for playing.

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