
Game rating 74.40%
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Comments 224

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Comments (224)

  • avatar

    great game. wish there was more though

  • avatar

    This game gets boring after a while but otherwise its nice.

  • avatar

    boried game, really sucks me

  • avatar

    this games gameplay and graphics are verrymuch so laking. the gameplay is repeative and randomly selective and the graphics look like they were drawn by a sixth grader.

  • avatar

    great game, there should other like this

  • avatar

    game should have explaination of the bath so people stop losing to stress but beyond that funny game and fun

  • avatar

    way to hard and confusing.

    I didn`t like it

  • avatar

    not tyo keen on this game its rather repetative

  • avatar

    the games is fun and hard but way too long

  • avatar

    this game was pretty umm interesting wasn`t really my thing but I guess everyone has different tastes.

  • avatar

    the games fun and hard but way too long

  • avatar

    not my favourite game on the site kinda dull!

  • avatar

    very bad graphic, the less content! Not a good game!

  • avatar

    its an alright game but wish things told you how they would effect you such as the gym and taking a bath…

  • avatar

    Regardless of Graphics, this game seems to be in need of more improvement.
    Though the purpose of the game has been shown, the progress of achieving the purpose of the game is not shown till the game`s over. Having to show some type of milestone would be good idea. Moreover, since it`s a simple flash type game, it would be nice to advise or give some notes about how one action would do to actual stats.

  • avatar

    I think this would be a great game if the creator would spend more time with it adding better graphics and such.

  • avatar

    superb game to play, easy to play easy to analyse i m kind of game

  • avatar

    I`ve played this game on other sites for over a week now and still not crazy about it… graphics sucks and game play is simplistic and illogical but still my favorite type of game, just wish it was made better at least graphic wise.

  • avatar

    Great game nad very funny

  • avatar

    actually this game is kinda boring. it will be better if you add some quest to it. and most importantly….. indicate the stat more accurately. when i go to the gym, i don`t know which exercise will improve which stat.

  • avatar

    I find this game boring but probably need to spend more time with it.

  • avatar

    Takes too long to get anywhere, and if you get it wrong it`s pretty much game over as the $1000 fine ruins it. Rewards not even worth it if you do beat it.

  • avatar

    a little bit difficult but very funny,graphic is not so good. anyway – game is not bad, but I`ve seen better games

  • avatar

    this game is really funny but gets a little old after awhile.

  • avatar

    i like dating sims but this one…the graphics were kinda too kiddish

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