Horny teacher
Game rating
Comments (204)
In the style of Virtually Date ArianeB, just much easier.
I think I like the other one more, depths does never damage.
Still an ok game.
the game is pretty easy and short, and the sex scenes don`t offer interesting options.
i think that this game is more simple…. i prefer game with some difficult. bye…..
little short but great boobbs :))
this game needs afew more options but other thatn that it was great
game is too simple for my taste, click and short sex scenes
Not the best game I`ve played… a bit too simple and no options to explore; but not as bad as some.
I thought the game was great, although it could have been longer.
not enough options, very short and easy
Simple and to the point… but too me, too simple
awesome game need more like it
In the style of Virtually Date ArianeB, just much easier.
I think I like the other one more, depths does never damage.
Still an ok game.
game is good, only a little bit shrt and boring
Very good game took a bit long though.
was great game but could have been longer
it was a good gam but could use more animations
Excellent game ! Best game ever!
im stuck at the last kid pleas help
I don`t like the game. Short and the story…
The game is short, simple and not fun at all
im stuck can some one help me?
like it, but doesn`t have very much difference between thet different sex scenes, plus not very long
her tits are immense the speech is not very realistic but enjoyable on the whole great short fun little game
kinda on the short side but liking the thinking element along with the sex scenes
Good game, some anal woul dbe nice too.
it`s a shame i don`t have this king of teachers at school 🙁
i dont like this game story is not good
Nice game wish i had a teacher like that
Ehh could had been better.
this game was okay it coulda been alot longer
a little short but it is great
i dont like this game story is not good
this a nice and great game
very good game, but not enough options. im lookin forward to longer games.
Pretty sweet game, I liked it alot
too short and not very best grapics
a nice game i like this
to short to be funny, to easy to be fun and to little variations onsex. no anal just straight up
5 minutes and the game is ended!
enjoyed this game, i think i had played it before though
The game is short, simple and not fun at all
Good game. Great graphics. Awesome story.
great game, wish i had a teacher like that!
A bit too tame for me. I expected more of a game feel, but graphics are good.
Too short, but nice graphics and anims
the sex scenes are good but they go by kind of fast
I love the concept of this game.
It reminds me of my Math teacher who fucked me up in recess.
nice game, very sexy and interesting
nice game, very interesting concept. a bit short though especially in the scenes