Horny teacher
Game rating
Comments (204)
It was really short and kind of boring. It needs more to do, I think.
Could be longer, but atleast theres hot babes.
The animation need a little bit moore work…
but that a good game.
A nice game but a little bit short.
great game… playing while studying…
its a nice game but not good enough 4 me
amazing game great quality and sexy endings
Unimaginative and dull. Translation could be better..
way to easy, way to short, kinda boring
makes me wish sje was my teacher
And thats why i am a teacher…
this looks alot like my teacher
i would like a teacher hot as this one..
it`s too easy game…
it`s too straight forward….
Loved the game. Great title. Beautiful teacher wish i had one like that.
very short game, more story needed and way more questions for the game, but with out a doubt i would love too have a teacher like that
Decent game. Has nice art and intuitive story line mechanics. More options would be nice but what is there is worth trying out nonetheless.
quite short, but really cool all in all 😉
in this website, can get better games than this
Love the title and I love the game.
short, easy to play…good time waster
everyone please chose this game as the best game award, this game desreve the best
the graphics were OK not great
the sex scenes where boring and the game was uneventful overall
Not a very engaging game at all. Sex scenes are rushed and mundane.
awesome teacher and an awesome game
nice game but needs a longer storyline
hots girls makes this game superb
Nice game, but could have some more fucking scenes!
I liked the graphics, although the “cumming” sequences could use a little work. I couldn`t really figure out what they were trying to say, so maybe brushing up the dialogue a bit would help
the game was alright its good for a quickie
teachers are alawys fun. bit short tho.
I don`t like it. Talk based games like this bore me.
Definetly needs to be longer. Add an orgy with the students and doctor satisfying the teacher. How about an entire sports team and the girls cheerleading squad? Wish I had a teacher that hot.
Good game except it was a litle short
Gameplay can be improved.And should be longer.Graphics are fine.Just needs minor improvements
nice graphic , and nice games !
That was fun different viewpoint was refreshing
sweet but very short. could have been much better, mainly sex scenes
it was a very short game but it was good
It was a very short game but fun
Kind of silly to just have to run through and find out what they don`t know, then pretty short sex scenes.
really easy. More interaction will be good
the best game ever…Lop is the best
The game was in my opinon, quite boring and easy to complete
very simple to finish but good graphics
cool game, but way to short.
got to say one of the best short games i`ve seen in a while
dude this game is awsome cuase of the graphics