High Tail Hall
Game rating
Comments (219)
Bad Grpahics it would be a whole lot better if the graphix were better
This game could be so much better, just needs more effort.
Not a fan of animal games in the slightest and detailing could be better
i wish they would complete the game it sucks that u r stuck in that 1 area
Have they finished this game yet?
The graphics really aren`t that great
nice game but really poor graphics
Wow this is my favorite one so far. Anyone know when it`ll be finished?
ive played hole floor an i still cant to the others
it`s a good game and i would like to see if it goes further and if so what type of characters will be added and it would also be nice to see some more interaction with the ones that are there.
while i was playing i noticed sometimes the faster and slower a cum buttons did always work don`t know if it was just my connection or something wrong with the game it`s self but i thought i would bring it up just in-case
game would be great if it was finished. unfortunately, it hasn`t been updated since 2008, i doubt its ever gonna get done
nice game , has o.k graphics
hightail is always good. I love the furries xD
Don`t care much for animals…
alot of sex+alot od animals= gold
Wow this is my favorite one so far. Anyone know when it`ll be finished?
Loading in this game takes a while but after that it is great .. good graphics aswell
Good game, loading is a little slow though. It`s fun and easy.
this is a funny game to play i like it
the graphic`s are very low but it`s kind of funy
poor game but i like it 😀
the sex scene got a low@poor quality
Nice looking, but the graphics are repetitive
Loading is a little slow…But the animation is great! The gameplay is quite easy, but ya` know, its only a beta.
has some glitches, but otherwise good game
A little glitchy and slow to load, but otherwise great game.
fantastic game, great graphics, sexy furries, can`t wait until the game is completed
the graphics in this game are very good!
this really needs to be finished
the graphics can be good and bad in this game
slow to load, dont careto do any more animals
Hmmm… That`s all I can say.
nice one waiting for another type of this game i like to first one in the bar
Cool game but it needs some work.
nice one waiting for another type of this game
it was a good game but it needs some work to be a great game.
its nice could use some work tho
Not a bad game, but it`s still incomplete in that the other areas have “been in development” for months.
is a very good game but long loading time
didn`t seem to have a point but a good game none the less
Is there a goal to this one? Doesn`t seem to end.
not a bad furry, needs work though
HTH is a pretty old serie already ^^ it got a pretty long loading time which also is kinda taking the fun… but for everyone who loves furry-things this is just best ^^
Average one.
Is there a way to the other zones?
I have plated a version of this game where you can use the elevator and go to different floors. I jsut don`t remember where I played it.
Not so good I expected somthing better
i can`t get any where except the glass room
is this game doesn`t have it`s end?
has slow load but worth playing it a bit
Not really my style but not that bad of a game
Intresting game, liked that there were voices, but overall the animations seamed a bit, lacking.