High Tail Hall
Game rating
Comments (219)
to me i would love to see all ne characters in this game.
This is great game… I like it very much…
Simple but funny game, nice to play
pretty fun game, graphics are pretty good, sounds could have been better…
good gameplay good graphic
nice game, quick and easy
Decent, but it`s only a demo ):
i dont know which one i loke more the fox like one or the polar bear but bother are god dam sexy
this would be pretty good if they ever got around to finishing it
I liked the polar bear 🙂
Better storyline needed, but good game overall
I really just wish some of the other areas were open the glass room gets old after awhile
very average game. i`m not fond of…
That`s very exciting and strange, but awful animations, aww >.
That jsut a demo for fuul game you need to go on
HTH Studio But that a very good game
just the one i needed to get bored off
I really hope this game gets finished soon. I love furries.
this game just keeps getting better and better. I hope this will be 100% complete soon
this is a super hot and sexy game
Don`t like furries, so didnt like this.
Very original premis, a little too easy though.
pretty good game not the best one outher butt good anny way
Pretty OK game it could have been much better, not as good as others
Not much to do, but if your into furry stuff i guess this is the game for you.
I love this game and could play it over and over again 🙂
Furries are always exotic
thers a new vwrsion of this game
There seems to be no point to this game
i love this game it was so good
Great game! Even though I`m not a big fan of furry I really enjoyed it
not a bad game and furries are always exotic
good animations, but still unfinished. More sound would be good.
not my fav stuff but they did good with it, good job
pretty good scenes and good story
The sex scenes and graphics are great, but there`s not many and there`s no plot.
i like the way the game is made
I love HTH so very much, furry all the way
this is such an awesome game i like the white wolf especially
interesting twist…little on the exotic side
Amazing game, I can`t get enough of it
I find the concept disturbing; not my cup of tea…
it could do better on sounds
amazing game great quality and sexy endings
hots girls makes this game superb
very hot game i love furries
I like how there were different girls but it didnt seem as if there was a point to the game
Like this game but can`t get out of the first place
Hentai is always good, and who doesn`t love furries on occasion?
Good characters.
Dont much get the story though.
This game is very good and i like it…