High Tail Hall
Game rating
Comments (219)
slow loading realy slow but kind a weird hehehe
It was fun, but could have had more. This was a great game, you go around talking to people, but I wish it had more options. What I was hoping for in this, was for more things to do, not just to “get it on” every so often. This game could have had tasks and for completing each task, you get a reward. It could have also introduced more characters.
The layout and graphics were rather nicely done. But, the gameplay lacks a bit. I enjoyed this regardless.
this game has great graphics
its a good game nice graphics
Even though it incomplete, it`s a good game.
graphics not good at all very good game though
I think this one has potential. Needs work on commands and sound. Characters should be more interactive.
yes great furry sex and ok graphics
still not finished, probably never will, poor graphics.
poor graphics, but lots of sexual action. weird settings with all those animals.
The fact of 2008 being last update doesnot bode well for the completion of the other stages. Pity.
unfinished game. graphics are lacking.
i absolutly love it :D:D:D:D
Incredible game even if it was never finished.Being able to purse several different girls helps to provide a great deal of replay value. Not a big fan of the model part that was added and it seems to get away from the theme of the game. There was a demo of a fight portion the author was working on adding before I guess real life became too much to continue the game.
will there be any update? i mean this game is not complete
Love this game SO much! I love furies!
this game is great wish the load was better but hey good game
i`ts good. but ithink it`s a pity that is too short but is great
awsome game… wish more games were like this… cant wait till thers an update for it XD
Long load time i`d like to see the finshed copy
this gane is stupid with no point to it
very good game…loved the interface(i guess youd call it that) hope ya make more of these
weird game interesting though sex with animals
Way too easy. Graphics are plain. Entertaining concept
taking time for loading…. but ok..
well, I`ve never had a dream pf doing a bird before ;), but I liked that they could talk
it was fun while it lasted. i wish the full version is out so i can play it
a different game for sure but over all i enjoyed it.
love these games when they gonna finnish it tho
Animation is great but it geats abit boring wonder when they will release the full version
this game was a little to boring infact it almost put me to sleep but i did like the polar bear
Always been one of my favorite games, don`t know why its so hot to me 😉
nice. better if it was finished
this is an older game, still graphics are sadly lacking, this is also this game is hth2 not the first. in the first you have to unlock the secrets around the different rooms, and it had different characters. if the game ever gets finished it will be alot more fun and interesting.
this game is good and have great graphic
Gives a whole new meaning to animal sex.
You should be allowed in the other sections
The game needs to be completed.
YES: relevant comments concerning gameplay, graphic, animation
needlessly complicated but sexy over all
This game really needs to be completed. There is a huge amount of potential for this game, but it`s just been sitting here collecting dust.
feels incomplete, probably is. if so I can`t wait for more to be added
getting bored of the same characters open the next part and
so far the most boring game I have played here
wish it had a story line but beggers cant be chosers
needs to be a sequel. good classic game
Load time is slow. Is this the finished version? Animation seems broken in places
I love these HTH games the only thing i still find is that some part a bit glitchy other than that it is well made and i hope to see more
Verry strange game, don`t like animal sex and the graffics aren`t that good eather