Hentai Artist Maids
Game rating
Comments (93)
Nice pictures, but easy and not a lot of action.
a nice and very focusing game i love it
boring boring boring booooring
Good game with good graphics and even better concepts!! =)
An excellent game. Just enough challenge with hand eye coordination needed to make it fun and a little challenging.
If you think the game is easy, change the parameters to hard and you will change your mind. Makes the game more interesting to not play in easy mode…
Would needs few more screens to make it longer but pretty challenging as it is already. Nice Maids.
Wish there was more of those games.
Fairly decent game. Needs an additional picture or two in my opinion.
good game but a little bit difficult……..
realy good quality pics.the game is kinda hard at higher levels though
really kidna hard but looove it
Connect the dots hentai. Nice idea, good quality pictures, and who can say no to hentai maids?
TThis is an decent fun game, perhaps a bit short, and could use more difficulty but nice graphics.
Good game with nice images. But not really that rewarding.
Nice game but it`s relly hard on the higher level.
This should just be listed as a gallery with a slight wait. Hot girls though
Good pics. Game play could be better.
Super boring game. All you do is connect the dots.
good images, but disapointed
i dont care for the gameplay
great pictures but frustrating gameplay
mmmmmmmmmm i don`t like this game, its boring
low reguard… but nice image…
Good game, however can be very frustrating, should also be able just to click to go to next level
Really only average art, and connect the dots… really? I guess not for me.
A simple but fun game and who can`t love sexy maids?!
It`s amazing how a few pictures of naked women can make a game so much more fun
This game wasn`t very entertaining, if I wanted to play connect the dots I would just go and play connect the dots.
easy but so good… very lovely henta??
Game simplistic.. graphics very very hott!
No so cool game, nice graphics. Boring.
Gameplay is simplistic– not so easy with a trackpad, though.
not much of a game. only a few pictures. very hard with a touch pad.
Incredible game even if it was never finished.Being able to purse several different girls helps to provide a great deal of replay value. Not a big fan of the model part that was added and it seems to get away from the theme of the game. There was a demo of a fight portion the author was working on adding before I guess real life became too much to continue the game.
Nice easy game if you just want to see hot pictures
Connect-the-dots: not just for kids anymore!
Pictures are hot, but that`s about it. Not a good game in my opinion.
low reguard… but nice image…
this game has some really good ending
I like anything with a maid in it very cool
Maybe nice pics, but too easy and boring for me. It`s no logical anyway ……
Great art – wish there was a bit more complexity to the game.
a nice game, makes fun to play.
Nice Pics. Gotta love hentai maids 😉
easy an boring like connect the dots hope to see something better
way too easy thus making it way too boring
The pics are great, but the game itself is kind of boring.
doesn`t take long, even hardest. Decent pics.
Simple, doesn`t take long, even hardest. Decent pics.
good game good graphics, would definitely recomment
Fun, but no real rewards.