Hentai Artist Maids
Game rating
Comments (93)
Nice pictures, I found medium to be somewhat difficult, didn`t feel like trying expert.
this game is too easy to play..
This is a fairly easy game but the pictures arent worth it
A very good game but tooshort
I like these games, good graphics and great time killers
good time killer, and the pictures are good quality
good game this one is quick and easy
the picture is nice but the game is not very nice to pla
Some really great art in here!
I beat this game to easy. More levels
Could have been better. It`s hard to get from point to point without scrolling a lot because the window is big.
Nice pics, but I don`t really like the mind-game + hentai pics format, you might as well play a mind-game and look at hentai pics separately.
Pretty simplistic game, although nice art
nice game good pics missed a few at begining
i couldnt get past the preloader. lame
very interesting game. i like the art too
The game was ok. I was looking 4 more of an action kind of thing. Over-all, It was easy to play and understand!
Love the pics of the girls, love to play connect the dots.
i couldnt get past the preloader.
yay connect the dots with a time limit… its like saying to a 3 year old times up give it here!…
nice game good pics missed a few at begining
Great game good job with the different difficulty settings making it harder than you would think
A very hot version of connect the dots. I love the hentai pics
I like maid very much and the graphic was great
There need to be more games in this series.
Love it
love the hentai maids……+10
decent game with a good concept and great art work
This is a game that is top notch
interesting game. follow the dots. not a lot of challenge though
Same thing..get the girl then what?
OK, so I made a girl appear..then what?
Simple gameplay, timer reset at each dot but nice graphics
Yes, its basically a connect the dots for adults
definitely no challenge. rather look at real porn
Gets boring real quick after awhile.
could not see all of page so cant comment
the picture is nice but the game is not very nice to play
its ok like to see more in the games like do things and u have to work them out as well or different thigs to do
connect the dots never did much for me
Okay for a “join-the-dots” game. Does make you wonder why you didn`t just go and look at a hentai-maid gallery instead.
simple idea simple game, nice pictures but a bit dull
Not nsure nabout the whole idea but hraphics are hot
nice pics but the game could be better
A very hot version of connect the dots. I love the hentai pics
Nice images, but the game gets old rather quickly. I never was one for connect the dots.
Nice game, images are good.
images sympas mais jeux trop faible
it could be a game for kids, without the hot girls
Ilike this game…..good picture.
another boring game, needs some excitment.