Hentai Artist Maids
Game rating
Comments (93)
Pretty decent pics, but the game is BORING!
this game is ok, litte fun to play
harder than it looks at first… fun game
I`m not really the best when it comes to speed but not a bad game. I would probly not play it again though.
h dont lave game i dont now ho to ply
this game is way to boring bad pics but even worse game
Pictures are nice but this is all. Nothing special.
las imagenes son buenas aunq la dificultad no mucho
the game is boring pictures arent` good enough
nice style and high quality, but boring
the game is really boring.
nice style and high quality, byut as said below a bit short
needs work but the idea is ok and pics are good
well i think it could use some work but the pics are nice good graphic
not really good but can be improve though
it needs to be more challenging,i can beat it way too easily
Not that great. The images were ok but the gameplay was boring. I couldnt help hearing the `connect the dots, la la la la ` song as I was doing it
made for 5 years old boys…. nothing relevant. Forget it !
almost too easy to be fum
nice pictures but very easy
well not so bad little be anoing game
Not much you can do her but still amusing
Just a bit too simple but a plesant diversion
on level 2 the dot that is in the bottom right corner (on the timer) doesnt activate when i hover on, so i cant finish that level(only that level)
i am firefox 3.5.3 vista x86.
a part from that, i like the game, simple, grahics ok, not enough levels.
great photos; simple game and rilassant
easy game and nice pictures
connect the dots, may as well just show the pics
Pictures are OK, but the plot sucs
nice pictures but stupid gameplay
The pictures are good ; personnaly, i like what Hentime do.
i don`t think this game is too bad at all, prefer the new version with the 3d blonde babes though
not bad, kind simple
to easy and short, but nice
to easy game, finished in 3 minutes…
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Too easy :/
Not the best game ever ; but fine concept, just alittle bit too easy and sometimes boring
Connect the dots in order, okay for a kid, but come on … the newer ones are better with putting dots out as you go, but still kind of lame
Not really my cup of tea. I wouldn`t even define it “a game”
still to old and boooooring I can play but is annoing
a bit too fast, when you have a bad mouse 🙂
Only 8 pics. Could have more with better rewards like stripping.
Simple easy flash game, though not a huge fan of vertical flash games that I need to mouse scroll in, even just a bit.
Game simplistic.. graphics very very hott!
this game is kinda boring haha.
Simple gameplay, timer reset at each dot but nice graphics
Can`t get enough
Great artistry
A nice layout with plenty of great games
Medicore game.
Remember child books, where you have to connect numbered dots with pen to see image? Same rules here, only difference – instead of elephant you gonna see naked maid… Rather boring…