Get me pregnant
Game rating
Comments (450)
good game and graphics just short and ends quick
Needs to be a bit more challenging, great game regardless!
nice games..the graphics are good and girl is stunning….
This game is sexy, and I love this game.
I`ve gotten most of the endings, but I can`t seem to figure out how to get the last one: could someone maybe post a walkthrough?
Graphic is great and realistic, but the storyboard is so poor that almost denies the game value.
graphics are good but not so much fun
Great idea, more of this.
Hot graphics.
get me pregnet is awesome
Love the graphics and game style. Would like it a little longer.
the graphics in this game are some of the best ive seen.
Sexy animations for the most part, if rather `back and forth` simple. I`m not a fan of abusive dialogue and without much time spent on story that`s how it comes across when you go down certain routes.
Good for a quick fix only.
nice game. nice graphics but is short
Good gameplay, graphics are great.
A bit short though.
good game but too short
really good erotic game, maybe a little too short
Hmm, naah, not that good!
Good game great graphics, just a bit short
top graphics. Nice idea with the short story and multple endings.
Getting to play both character is fun.
GREAT graphics these days on these sites…
Mouse inter-action seemed very touch-and-go, couldn`t seem to get it in the right spot
every time to keep the meter running…
Amazing graphics and amazing girl
it´s a really good game, is too funny
The art and design are good, as always with these, but there`s really no story and very little game-play, just a few choices. The morality is pretty questionable, although I know that`s not the point to these things. Still, makes it less fun.
Good gameplay, Very good that you can choose to play either as man or woman. Good animation and good graphics
The game has really great graphics, but it is WAY too short and too easy.
Really nice graphics. Straight and to the point… Let`s do this! I liked the how short it was. I didn`t hvae to spend a lot of time getting the different endings.
Short game. It needs more story
wow. I love all the endings- pregnant or not. She is sweet and passionate
the game is short yes, yet I liked the story.
So hot. Girl is so sexy
could have been a little longer, but it was still good
Good game. Was thoroughly amused trying to get all 8 endings.
gameplay short , graphics are good and , animations are good
The graphics were great and the girl is just super hot. This seems to be a demo version of something coming soon I guess… judging from the version 0.9!=)).
I must say that the number of possible outcomes from this short game shows that in future games there could be an infinite number of ENDINGS, which would make the games really playable hundred of times. I enjoyed it a lot just like other LOP games. Keep the good job on guys. You are the best.
P.S. Iksanabot you`ve always been my favourite. Great visuals Astaroth
well the game was pretty fun but i wish you could have done more things like play a mini game or something.
great game amazing graphics fun to play 5/8 ending for me first time playing
the girl is ammazing,i m dripping ri8 now
beautiful game i really like it ,but make it a bit longer the game was a bit shrt to get a gud experience
great graphics i love this game ,i hv nvr played sch a nice graphical gamebefore on any site ,i expext u guys would come up with more of these games
Best graphics I`ve seen in a Lesson of Passion game, hands down. The characters look so realistic and their movements are so natural. I like the variety too and the ability to play as both of the characters. I`m honestly surprised it`s rated this way, as I think it deserves to be much higher. Looking forward to more games like this from you guys!
Good story variations and endings, nice graphics, stunnig blonde girl and apropriate music.
Nice to play a game from the female perspective for once, a broader spectrum in story and options would make the game better.
Good game, I really enjoyed it. Nice gameplay and graphics.
Sexy girl…………. Use her more……. Game was a bit small
Good quick pace but too short. and why is the guy balled again? I know you can do hair and are they siblings cause they look so much alike. could of varied the color of the eyes at least.
Sexy graphics, sexy girl, love the Idea of forbidden fruit
this is meh. Interesting premise, but the choices are too limited. Still, the graphics are pretty tight. Hopefully this can be expanded down the road to have more choices
This is and interesting game. Need more adventure and choices. Good sex.
Love the girl, it is a shame that it is so short, feature her in another game!