Futa SexEd

Game rating 79.00%
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Comments (272)

  • avatar

    this game is ok.
    not great but ok. A bit repetitive

  • avatar

    For me is toooooooo repetitive

  • avatar

    Ok game but short,not enough girls or things to do. Gets repetitive and dull.

  • avatar

    Its a nice fantasy but i`d like it more if it has better ending and more girls to seduse

  • avatar

    Takes Long time to Start…………

  • avatar

    you need to immediately get all subjects to 15, then buy all the items that cost $45. then after the first test get them over 30, after the second test 60, after the third 90, so on and so on. When dealing with the relationships: seduce=20+; kiss=30+; grope=50+; oral=60+; sex=70+ with bonuses at 100 for ea

  • avatar

    Gamewise the elements are very underdeveloped. No differences in seducing the three characters, pictures are random as often as appropriate for scene/character. It is mildly titillating but it becomes recitative. Gallery pictures can be unobtainable if the seduction order is not followed very precisely.

    Futa emphasis fairly low.

  • avatar

    Good graphics and update of game as originally released. Should update sim Girls 2 DNA game to latest release.

  • avatar

    I know that game, not bad, but I see very better games here

  • avatar

    nice game and also the graphic, very nice

  • avatar

    not a very good game this one,the lady has nice breasts and…well thats about it, not a game that keeps me coming back for more,now thats certain.When your used to the lop standards thats asad exuse for a game,pardon my french but thats how i feel about it

  • avatar

    nice game but low grafics

  • avatar

    Nice graphics, quite easy game.
    Teach rise your desire and down your suspicion
    You have to talk until 20 points to each person to be able to seduce
    30 you can kiss 40 you can touch 50 oral and 60 to sex
    Sex and masturbate rise suspicion and down desire

    If you full fill suspicion you are arrested
    If you full fill desire you can`t stop masturbate and suspicion rise more.

    every 10 days you have a random exam, if your students are good suspicion down.

    You can buy books to take more point when teaching
    You can donate 100 to down your suspicion level

    Sorry for my english i`m french 🙂

    Play well

  • avatar

    love graphics but haven`t figured out how to not get arrested

  • avatar

    Nice looking new game, liked it.

  • avatar

    Good game but it has some really weird parts with transexuality.

  • avatar

    nice game and also the graphic, very nice

  • avatar

    yes taht good geme ilove it

  • avatar

    Took a while to figure out what`s going on, and it wasn`t really worth it. The weird wording of phrases (such as `you don`t think she likes you` when talking to someone) made me think I`m doing things wrong and repetitive gameplay make this one not much fun in the long run

  • avatar

    good graphics interesting but still too short

  • avatar

    Unfortunately i cannot get this game to load.

  • avatar

    Good game, I just wish the action was not just a picture but motion too!

  • avatar

    this is sucjh an awesome game cant wait for the sequel

  • avatar

    great game i really liked it

  • avatar

    loved this game and the futa teacher, nice to corrupt everybody haha

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