Fuck Viking Babe
Game rating
Comments (441)
Good grapics, I wish there would have been more variety. More find the correct spot to click, insted of click most anywhere.
The game was regular, the clicking part was just annoying, worsened by the lack of sound. The animation was pretty good though.
Dont like this game, i think its bug. Can`t click anywhere. Damn
I liked the animations but agree that there seems to be too much clicking and the no audio part.
but not bad in all
to much clicking otherwish a very interresting but wierd game
i have a cramp in my finger, aborted after the 2. Scene
hot girl needs to be longer
Very nice graphic but very bad gameplay, my mouse is going over 🙁
I`d write a better review, but I think I got carpel tunnel from the mouse clicks!
this game has great graphic, but too bad that there is no sound in it. Btw, it`s nice game.
I really don`t like the constant repitition of having to click the mouse for the interaction, also would have enjoyed some sound with the game…the graphics weren`t bad but the game wasn`t that interesting
nice game.. needs tweeking.. needs sound.. maybe a few game play variables
no sound or sound effects, this needs work
Has amazing potential. If only you actually had options, and you didn`t have to spam click to get things done.
No audio also a bummer… smooth and “above basic” animation is nice.. looks like time was taken on that part.. doesn`t have an option to simply hold down on the mouse button to continue the action, would have been nice at the end if there was a “selector” so you could go back to a certain section, instead of starting from the start..
Too much repeated clicking. Kinda kills the game….
i don`t understand how do you play?
i think that it could have been a lil bit better
was nice the ideia of an viking babe
Nice pictures, but I`m not much in “parkinson`s mouse games”.
Plus there is no sound.
Plus the ????xellisation of some parts is boring.
Truely not my fav game.
Great graphics, it was very simple with too much clicking and saddened me that there was no sound to hear her moans.
I agree with everyone else…..way too much clicking. Nice artwork but would love sound.
Game was okay to much clicking…..
Too much clicking and needs sound badly.
nice little game with good graphics
good challenge, sexy girls
Can`t masturbate anymore because I must go put ice on my hand after all that clicking. Nicely drawn babe and good story idea. More please
to much click, cencor is bad, but at least a good game
the game should have some sound
nice game good graphics a little to much click
i think this game is kinda too monotone bcs u only click. the animatims themselfs are good but it would be interesting to have more interactions ..
Good animations and has a very different game play than other games here
too much clicking but decent graphics
i get tired of clicking for no fun
way too much clicking, takes away from the fun
Very Easy Game… But the Girl is perfectly drawed.
Lot`s of clicking and games with no sound aren`t that good.
sweet graphics.excelent animation.sweet game.like to see more
hot girl and fun game but too simple and needs sound
too bad … may be with voice it can be playable…
mmmh, sweet little viking girl. but very easy to play.
Simple game but too boring. Just clicking
the games was OK, just a lot of clicking.
Good animation and attractive Babe but sound would be great.
Good graphics & animations. Too bad there`s no sound.
nice game
a bit short and easy, but nice
Good game with great quality, but without sound it get boring.
No sound that`s a pity. Cute cartoon girl.
very easy game but it has too much work to do
needs sound to be better. not bad overall