Fuck Viking Babe
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Comments (441)
Well, prety mush as evryone said, the graphique are quiet good, but the rest…
Great graphics, loved the girl. The clicking, however, got boring really quick.
lots of clicking but ok game
too much clicking but looks good
relies too much on incessant clicking also needs some sound effects
too much clicking plus bad sound quality
to much clicking…
it makes non sense
Like to see her in a more complex game, its only click and click—hummmm
good game
but too much clicking you know
good game and good graphics
looks very old with no sound but i really like the girl grafics
game is good
graphs are good
but not much to do
and i dont really like the square idea
where is the audio ? outher than that its a nice and good game
the game is nice but i dont like it when games are censored
need sound, better than some games
game is fun but short and it needs sound
not a bad game, but could`ve used some music, some dialogue and could`ve been a little longer.
Great girl, but i`m not a fan of the games where all you do is click. Love to see her in a more complex game.
great girl, but with no sound 🙁
Must be an older game, a lot of clicking, I didn`t have any sound either
Not that good of a `game` I hesitate to even call it that. The sparkling eyes are the only real animation. I`m guessing this is older.
Japanese are crazy to be able to show a rape but not a dick…
great pics but way to mutch clicking
easy game not too helpful though
ok game.graphics are clean and nice
could use audio but a good game none the less.
I really liked this game and the girl in it, needs sound and some more bdsm though
cool game with nice graphics
not a bad game, but could use a little more options.
really hot and sexy game
it would be nice if this game had sound to it
could stand to be a little hard and maybe some bondage since you are in control of her and force her to show herself
The game is ok, but the others from `Gamesofdesire` are way better.
a very nice game =p a little bit too easy =)
nice art but would be better with some sound
I see Japanese censorship at work once more. a clear representation of a vagina, but a digitized penis?
Not bad game but can be better with sound
way too much clicking and that without sound
Would be better with sound.
way way waaaaay to much clicking lol
I agree with the clicking. It was way to much.
Way too much clicking, but nice animations.
Rather simply but quite good game.
Pretty easy, but good animations. Short and sweet.
Incredible game even if it was never finished.Being able to purse several different girls helps to provide a great deal of replay value. Not a big fan of the model part that was added and it seems to get away from the theme of the game. There was a demo of a fight portion the author was working on adding before I guess real life became too much to continue the game.
way too much clicking, and there is no sound. makes it pretty meh
Far too basic and no sound. I like the animation and art a lot though.
to simple would like to see more RPG games on the site
I really like this game. REALLY wish there was sound, but still.
cool game with nice graphics too bad my mouse exploded after a while…