Fuck Viking Babe

Game rating 72.30%
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Comments 441

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Comments (441)

  • avatar

    Good grapics, I wish there would have been more variety. More find the correct spot to click, insted of click most anywhere.

  • avatar

    The game was regular, the clicking part was just annoying, worsened by the lack of sound. The animation was pretty good though.

  • avatar

    Dont like this game, i think its bug. Can`t click anywhere. Damn

  • avatar

    I liked the animations but agree that there seems to be too much clicking and the no audio part.
    but not bad in all

  • avatar

    to much clicking otherwish a very interresting but wierd game

  • avatar

    i have a cramp in my finger, aborted after the 2. Scene

  • avatar

    hot girl needs to be longer

  • avatar

    Very nice graphic but very bad gameplay, my mouse is going over 🙁

  • avatar

    I`d write a better review, but I think I got carpel tunnel from the mouse clicks!

  • avatar

    this game has great graphic, but too bad that there is no sound in it. Btw, it`s nice game.

  • avatar

    I really don`t like the constant repitition of having to click the mouse for the interaction, also would have enjoyed some sound with the game…the graphics weren`t bad but the game wasn`t that interesting

  • avatar

    nice game.. needs tweeking.. needs sound.. maybe a few game play variables

  • avatar

    no sound or sound effects, this needs work

  • avatar

    Has amazing potential. If only you actually had options, and you didn`t have to spam click to get things done.

  • avatar

    No audio also a bummer… smooth and “above basic” animation is nice.. looks like time was taken on that part.. doesn`t have an option to simply hold down on the mouse button to continue the action, would have been nice at the end if there was a “selector” so you could go back to a certain section, instead of starting from the start..

  • avatar

    Too much repeated clicking. Kinda kills the game….

  • avatar

    i don`t understand how do you play?

  • avatar

    i think that it could have been a lil bit better

  • avatar

    was nice the ideia of an viking babe

  • avatar

    Nice pictures, but I`m not much in “parkinson`s mouse games”.
    Plus there is no sound.
    Plus the ????xellisation of some parts is boring.
    Truely not my fav game.

  • avatar

    Great graphics, it was very simple with too much clicking and saddened me that there was no sound to hear her moans.

  • avatar

    I agree with everyone else…..way too much clicking. Nice artwork but would love sound.

  • avatar

    Game was okay to much clicking…..

  • avatar

    Too much clicking and needs sound badly.

  • avatar

    nice little game with good graphics

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