Fuck Town Library Debt
Game rating
Comments (254)
Pretty entertaining, not this best graphics and the story is a little short.
a bit too short and also graphics aren`t that good. could be better
I would like to play more games like this.
not too great graphics were pretty bad needs work
Yes, easy game and very short
eazy game but there could be more.
very nice animation nice game favorite
Makes me wish there were hot librarians at my library.
nice graphics would like more scenes
funny game not only for people with an libarycard! 8)
nice, but could have better story, it`s a bit short…
learned on writers at the same time
Nice game but graphics are not too good
I love the library. It`s awesome
Not a great game but certainly worth the time.
good game. need some improvement on graphics
i learned some stuff about books while playing that game.
wow!After that I will go library some more!
Nice Game with a sweet Girl.. But a little Boring.
Ok game,played worse needs more spice.
Stuck again at the curvy arrow lol
Very nice and funny game with very hot girl!!!
nice graphics…
need more scenes and difficulty
Could do a few more scenes, but better then the previous games.
it would be better if it were a bit harder
good game but could be longer and more charicters
this game is funny and fun at the same time
this game is funny and fun at the same time
its short game, but i like it
i feel the graphics left a lot to be desired but overall an ok game
This was an ok game. The graphics were so-s-
the game is ok, could have make a story line longer
i know bedder games vut it was ok
mind blowing game … !!!
Definitely one of the best game sites i`ve ever seen…thanks
it is an awesome gameplay and it concludes awesome graphics and animations this is an awesome game
perfect graphics, this game is damn HOT!
I Liked This A Lot. Very Smart And A Lot Of Fun!
not really a unique game but good animation and graphics
Easy straight, forward but some fun for what it is.
very easy and not very original game, don`t like it much
good game still it needs some improvment
game is a little short but good overall really nice gameplay
nice game but too short. could`ve had more variations and more characters.
A good game with sympathic story and graphics =)
The only bad thing is that this game is too short ^^
But really good game good job 😉
not bad at all, good graphics, good gameplay… just thought it was a littleshort
The literary questions were tricky because two questions I saw had multiple questions: Roald Dahl wrote both Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which were both adapted into film. Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer were both Mark Twain characters, so either answer should have been correct.
good game, easy playing, nice animation
average game poor animation
i think it will be better if we can actually see the guy