FT: College Tournaments
Game rating
Comments (113)
Decent game, though it got a bit repetitive
Adding checkers to it is fun
Creative thing with the checkers game, but I`m guessing that the actual plot and sex could have been a bit longer… and something more than the generic “do this for me, I`ll please you” scenario. The checkers honestly took up more time than the sex.
Loved the game. Great Graphics. nice…
sexy lady and nice graphics
it may be more funny if it`s along.
Its an okay game but it could be more challenging
alright game , could be a bit more challenging
great visiuals and loved the checkers
game was good but needs to be longer
it was ok but to short
fun game . i like this game but…. but is toooooooooo easy…
Not bad game but only one girl and …..very short
Another fun Fucktown excursion.
Loved the game. Great Graphics.
really good game, enjoyed the graphics
checkers mini-game was OK, but the story could have been expanded on.
nichts neues minispiel zuwenig kein sex ohne kondome mit fremden :))
The checkers game was a nice twist and rather fun, but otherwise nothing too interesting here – clicking gentle, fast, hard over and over and running a few frames too long to stay “sexy”. The art was good, as usual.
Fun, but over too quickly and no challenge.
wow, this is basically the same thing as every other game
I hate checkers. Bad game
Nice long sex act with good graphics.
But again, so short and only 1 girl…
yeah could have more live meaning got too be more hard and longer
The game was easy but It`s for fap afrer all
great game, i wish my mouse wasn`t working shoddily at best
These games are becoming tooo uncreative and predictable. And the boobs on these girls are way too big
you have to beat the checers game to get a sex scene
the grapics are good and exciting
checkers was cool, but needs more interaction.
a college sex game awsome
interesting game and girl
I like the graphics could be hoter though
I don`t like, that you can`t progress when you loose the match. 🙁
the checkers game is not that difficult but the sex scenes are just alright.
game is ok and i like it yar
Interesting gameplay. I like it.
could of used another game of checkers or something before you win the girl.
Amazing game!!! Great Quality of Graphics
the objective of the game is too easy i mean come on one win and you get a free ticket into the girls pants where is the excitement of the quest you find in the other ft games
i need to play checkers now
first tine i play checkers
nice graphics, but too easy and too short
good graphics but it was too short
nice game with old idea 🙂
i really like the game great graphics
nice game & with interesting games that rewuire mind n long n lots of fucking styles
like this kind of game, japen anime rocks
again a nice game but way too short and easy.
again a nice game liked it for sure