FT: Artworks sexhibition
Game rating
Comments (167)
a nice graghics , but short
Simple and easy with pretty average graphics. But, I do like it when they are easy.
it is a great game!! simple but nice
Good game, nice graphics and goos introduction.
A bit more of difficulty will always be welcomed.
nice game, good gameplay
Its okay but kinda not long enough.
The graphics could have been a lot better. There was not that much freedom in the game.
Kinda short game but good. Need more plot ! 😛
Fun game, just a bit short. And wish you could choose to try both endings not just one.
good game just a tad bit short though
An ok game just a bit linear and can`t really do much in it.
Graphics were good and gameplay was refreshing, although a bit short
I liked the palm reading bit, but I freaking hated the damn arrows on the floor!
nice game, good graphics.
good graphics and the sound is hot
nice game but less sex scenes. it took a long time to seduce the girl.
Pretty good game but too short and less sex
An ok game just a bit linear and can`t really do much in it. Probably a bit more options during sex or other girls would be nice.
not to bad but i like the story just need more action….
game could realy use other girls
a nice graghics , but short , too short. Just one girl? That`s not fair! 🙁
artwork was nice and the animation as well. would of liked more choices in girls but it was still good
The game WAS OK.
The girl could use better animation.
When she first gets naked her body is not properly formed.
good game but it was a little short
Not an amazing game and quite short
good game, good graphic too, but no choice of girls and kind of short~
Well made game good story but kind of short.
it is agood game but a little bit short…
graphics are good but gameplay too easy and shor
Good one. I just wish they got someone to do a better job translating these.
good game but i think it was too short
That was pretty boring and not very good graphics.
I loved the palm reading part, it added to the feel of the game. I would love to see more interactivity rather then as most games where you just chose what to say. I still vote for an old style adventure game in adult style. That would be a really nice combination. Thank you for sharing this game, was lots of fun.
nice graphics but shame it is too short
the palm was an interesting addition
Good game but very short…
Very pleasant game, not that elaborated regarding possibilities and the fact you cant be wrong and lose but really worth playing, I liked the scenario, very classic.
You end up with couple of choice and the same ending one way or another but the point and click system, is fine. Going into fav!
graphics are good but gameplay too easy and short
Graphics ok and gameplay ok but game could be longer and more options
Good game but very short…
not so bad. improve the quality
Decent, but very short. I still enjoyed it.
the game is too short, but nice
Nice game but missing diffrent endings
Very nice. Pretty graphics and a romantic and sensual flow of story. I really liked the art gallery setting, and I loved the palm reading! Both for the design and feel, and for the clever game mechanics. The sex scenes were also very well done, erotic and loving. Good work!
Art work is nice. Game is only average
not a bad game but just abit boring
nice gamr , but a little short
nice game,,but to short scene
awesome game and graphics