Find and Fuck Adele
Game rating
Comments (1099)
very easy, but not bad.
hot sex scene at the end
this game is really nice but some pieces are hard to find
This game didn`t have much of a point. Some of the objects were very well hidden. Overall I wasn`t a huge fan of this one.
I don`t like it
Didn`t care much for this one.
a very good find and seek game, ok graphics and just the right amount of difficulty- but a little unsure what the aim was?
interresting game a lite bit strong
too difficult for my eyes …
a little difficult but great job….
good idea for game, but I don`t like
great pictures, items werent too easy to find easy, very fun!
Fun and kinda challenging. The hunt for things games make my eyes hurt, but they are pretty fun
the game should have more levels or more girls its to easy and you cant play it more then 2 or 3 times 🙁 it became to repetitive
Awesome game maybe just a slideshow at the end of the game
The picture you have to find objects in could be a little bit bigger, but overall not a bad if easyish game
This game was quick and okay, could be nice with more sex positions and better girls
boring game – and details not so clear
this game is waaaaaaaaaay to easy ^^ graphics ..are ..mhmm ..okish …gameplay too ..2/4
This is such a crapy deal 2 points a comment but they can`t be short
Hard the first time, easy the second
its fun the first time but its not the kind of game you can play more than once
pretty repetitive, plus the superimposed sex act on the still photo is always strange.
that game is just too easy, but that girl is sexy
i like the girl and the game is so short
this is a good game. needs a little more time
its isnt a good game its short and very less action
its not a bad game some items are hard to find and a very hot chick
very easy game with a very hot chick
a very good find and seek game, ok graphics and just the right amount of differculty
Very good game. I just love seeking games.
This game was to easy and also to short.
Hard to concentrate on the gal when the clock is ticking…gal is hot
good idea to start with and love the girl but maybe a leveling system would have given more of a challenge and allow more time to see the pics.
I think it`s a little boring, but, concerning the objective of the game, it`s ok.
really easy game. but i finishd it on another site :p
Goes way too quick, can`t even look at the girl if you want to finish.
good game but too short, and needs actual voice acting
not that great of a game, but I chuckle at the climax
Game wasn`t too hard, the chick was hot, the final part was probably the worst section.
Sexy and fun! Makes you pay attention too!
this game was good she is so hot
always liked hidden object games just wish for more time and a list.
Nice photos need more time to see each one
small game but graphics are really good
needs more levels, with more women. was fun for a min.
Luckly theres a nice chick that keeps you interested.
a little hard to find a couple items but all and all not a bad little game
that was really easy but fun, i dont like the games that have the shake the mouse parts at the end, my mousepad is weird and i lost my mouse so its pretty difficult
too much crap on the screen
this game is da bomb it is so much fun to play
not very good at all better quality is needed badly