Find and Fuck Adele
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Comments (1099)
It`s too easy and too short
This is really lame imo, cant even find the items, u should be able to to enlarge it someway
Very hot, sexy, where I find it?
decent game very sexy girl
there should be multiple levels
Well the pictures were so lovely that i had a hard time focusing on the task at hand and not spending too much time looking at them ;).. thought that the items were good hidden, still though, short and not my style
a bit too easy, but ending is really nice
This is a little lame, and needs to be at least big enough to see the items.
the game is to easy.but love it.
i luv this game it is so easy
Not very hard, most of the items are fairly easy to notice.
Nice Game!! But it is too easy Also a bit more animation will be good
the game is made not bad, but it needs really improvements in the search area
Not a bad find-it game and, of course, Adele is hot.
got exactly three items hard enough to use the hints.
very sexy girl and sexy photo`s
It`s a good game, would love to see more of these games with different girls.
i loved this game. and the babe that`s in it too
babe was hot game was not
please let us have more games like this
fun game, objects r easy to find tho
i very much like this game she is beautiful
Not that fun. Wish they could somehow incorporate the objects.
it a good game and adele is so hot
Got it after playing it 2ice. The girl is HOT
could hide the objects better
this game is very hard, need just a little bit more time to find the items
not bad is a quickly game
the game is way too easy…but is fun
real easy game but chick is hot
real east game but damn, she`s reaaaaaaaally HOT
the girl is really hot,, but the game is way too easy
need mor items, but interesting game.
Its a good game, but its really easy.
great girl items are easy
I suppose it would have been more enjoyable if I didn`t absolutely loathe find the object games.
The game was okay, but Adele is hot.
adele is hot, but game´s to easy
Fairly easy, but nice little game
this gameis sweet i like playing it
kinda easy but nice photos
quite boring, very easy game. Not brilliant
very easy, and nothing special, but nice ending scene!
this was slow paced but very easy
Pretty easy game, but I liked it.
nice, but not really my cup of tea. great looking girl
good logical game entertaiment:)
Adele is hot, good stuff.
this game is really really borrring
nothing special. pretty boring point and click type of gam